Page 61 of Paved in Blood

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“And don’t go anywhere without me.”

I smile and say, “I won’t.”

“We’re out here if you need us,” Lev says, and then he smiles at Danil. “Have fun.”

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Danil says. He puts his laptop in a leather messenger bag and pulls the strap across his chest. The bag is worn and looks buttery soft, and when I get out of the SUV, I can smell the leather.

“I love your bag,” I tell him.

“Thanks.” He gives me a grin. “I stole it when I was seventeen. Best decision I ever made. It’s a hell of a bag.”

I laugh, wondering if he’s joking, but I don’t think he is.

“Showtime, baby,” Roman says, looking down at me. He gives me a kiss. It’s sweet and gentle and filled with so much love. It’s like a goodbye in a way, but I know we’ll be leaving the club in a few hours and that things will go back to normal. We just can’t be ourselves for a while. I can enter this scary-ass club if it means we might be able to find his sister. I’ll do anything for him, including spending the evening with a bunch of misogynistic, sex-trafficking assholes, so I smile up at him and give a nod.

“I’m ready. I love you, Roman.”

“I love you too, baby, so goddamn much.”

And with that, we turn and walk toward the club with Vitaly and Danil on either side of us. Before we make it to the bouncer, the same burly man from last time, Roman wraps an arm around me, but I feel his whole demeanor change. He’s no longer the sweet softie he usually is with me. His harder side comes out. I can feel him putting up the walls, and I hate it, but I know it’s to keep me safe. If the men inside this club learn how much I actually mean to him, then it’ll be something they can use against him, and that’s the last thing either of us wants.

Last time, I got lucky and snuck in with a group of men. Thankfully, I hadn’t spoken to anyone, so there’s no one here who can ruin my cover of not speaking English. This time, the bouncer steps in front of us, running his eyes over Roman and his brothers. They don’t back down, and I may not be an expert on fighting and bulk, but even I can tell this bouncer, no matter how big he is, doesn’t stand a chance against any of these three men.

“We’re here as David’s guests,” Roman says, giving the bouncer a smirk.

“I was told you might be back,” the bouncer says, and then he turns his eyes to me, giving me a smile that has me scooting closer to Roman. “I see you’ve brought your pet back.”

“She’s not your concern,” Roman says, pushing past the bouncer while keeping a tight grip on me.

“Only looking,” the bouncer says with a laugh.

We walk into the dark club, and I immediately wish we could just walk right back out. I’d forgotten how depressing this place is. Nearly naked women are everywhere, dancing on the poles, giving lap dances, serving drinks, and none of them are here by choice. Most have a vacant look in their eyes, and when we walk past a man getting a particularly aggressive lap dance, I look at the woman’s face and wish I hadn’t. For one second our eyes meet, and I see the pain in them. She quickly looks away, making her face a blank mask again while the man paws at her body as she grinds against him.

Roman rests his hand on the nape of my neck, giving me a soft squeeze, and it’s the only thing that keeps my feet moving. I cling to him as the lifeline he is. When we reach the VIP area, I see the blonde that had given Roman a lap dance the last time we were here. Awesome. This night just keeps getting better and better and we haven’t even been here ten minutes.

She gives Roman a beaming smile and starts to step towards him. My body stiffens, but Roman just pulls me closer and waves his hand at the woman, making it clear he doesn’t want her near him.

“Hey,” she says, giving him a sexy pout. “I thought we had fun last time. Don’t you want another dance?”

“Not from you,” Roman says.

The glare she turns to give me nearly knocks me on my ass. I’m not supposed to understand what they just said, but her look doesn’t need any interpretation. This woman hates my fucking guts.

“Brandy, relax,” David shouts as he makes his way over. He laughs and reaches out for her, planting a hand on her ass and giving her a hug that just comes off as slimy. He smiles at Roman. “Someone’s a little jealous,” he says, and I have to try really hard to play dumb and not roll my eyes.

“No offense. I’m just not interested,” Roman says.

David looks at Danil. “Another brother?”

“Yeah, I’m Danil. Lev couldn’t make it tonight.” He gives a soft laugh and holds out his hand. “I was more than happy to take his place.”

David shakes his hand and then turns Brandy around. He keeps a hand on her hip and brings the other up to cup one of her breasts. Brandy has very large implants, so not even David’s large hand can contain it all. He gives her a squeeze like he has every right to do so and smiles at Danil.

“I bet one of Roman’s brothers would love to have you in their lap, sweetheart. Isn’t that right?”

The challenge is obvious. If Danil refuses, it’ll look suspicious as fuck. I mean, who wouldn’t want gorgeous Brandy grinding away in their lap? Danil takes one for the team and smiles before offering his hand to an eager Brandy. She gives an over-the-top giggly laugh and grabs his hand before leading him to a table in the back. I feel sorry for all the women here, but there’s something off with Brandy. She seems to genuinely enjoy being here, and there’s no hint of her being upset by anything that’s taking place. I try not to judge her. Maybe she’s been here so long that it’s just sort of fucked with her mind. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt because no one should have to work here, but that doesn’t mean I have to like her.

We follow David back to the table where Brandy is already going to town on Danil. I can’t meet his eyes while she’s riding him, so I keep my head down, relieved when Vitaly sits down next to Danil so we can take the set on his other side. At least we’ve got a body between us. That doesn’t stop Brandy from looking over at Roman and letting out a sexy moan as she rocks her hips even faster.
