Page 62 of Paved in Blood

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Roman ignores her and pulls me onto his lap. He wraps an arm around me and caresses my hip with his thumb. He brings his mouth to my ear and whispers, “I’m so fucking sorry, baby.”

I kiss his cheek, hoping he can sense that I’m not upset with him. He gives me one more kiss and then turns to David.

“Business seems to be doing well,” he says, looking around at the packed club.

“It is. Very well,” David says with a grin. “Rumor has it we might have some competition soon.”

Roman laughs. “Not competition. We’re hoping to have Pink up in about a month. If things go well between us, then it’ll just be another place to do business.”

“It’ll be a place where certain people can show their faces a little easier,” Vitaly says.

“It’s an interesting idea,” David admits. He watches Brandy while he thinks, a slight smile playing at his lips when she arches her back and lets out another moan. “What kind of women will you have there? Are you wanting to use ours?”

“We’ll have strippers,” Roman says, and then adds, “Just strippers. If this is going to be a place that’s safe for certain individuals to come in and talk business, then it needs to be a place where the women are free to do what they want. If they want to take money for certain extras, then that’s on them. We won’t stop it, but the women will be free to choose. It’s the only way to make this work.”

David laughs. “The men won’t be crazy about that, but it makes sense, and it covers everyone’s asses. Can’t argue with that.” David raises a hand and waves a brunette over. “Get them some drinks.”

“Three vodkas,” Vitaly tells her.

I wish I could say make it four, but this isn’t the kind of place a woman should get tipsy in. Roman keeps caressing my skin where David can’t see, and when a smiling brunette walks over and offers herself to Vitaly, the couch we’re sitting on gets a whole lot more crowded. When I let out a soft sigh, Roman hears it and pulls me tighter against him.

The brothers have a small conversation in Russian, and I really wish I knew what the hell they were saying. When the drinks arrive, they all three down them, and Vitaly says, “Keep ‘em coming.” I know he’s using alcohol to get through tonight, and I can’t say I blame him. Danil lets out a groan and grips the hips of the woman who’s riding him, and when no one else is looking, he rolls his eyes at me, and I have to bite my tongue to not laugh. Everything looks believable, but it’s all for show.

When the men want to talk more business, they tip the women and send them on their way. David glances over at me, but when Roman makes no move to lift me off his lap, he relaxes back into his chair and starts asking questions about the new club. While they talk about what Pink will offer, the drinks keep coming. I rest my head on Roman’s shoulder and focus on his scent and the sound of his deep, sexy voice. The sensual, bass-heavy music that vibrates through every corner of this place starts a headache at the base of my neck, or maybe that’s just the position I’ve been stuck in for the past couple of hours.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I whisper in Roman’s ear. I’m also really thirsty and desperate for a stretch.

As soon as I’ve spoken, Roman says something to his brothers and then tells David, “We’ll be right back.”

He helps me off his lap and then rests his hand on the nape of my neck. It’s a possessive move, one that’s clearly meant to show ownership, but I still love it when he does it. It feels protective to me, and I don’t mind belonging to Roman, because it’s not in the way they mean it. It’s in our way, and it’s based in love.

We make our way through the crowd and down the hallway we used last time. Roman knocks on the door again, and when no one says anything, he opens it, making sure it’s empty. When he’s satisfied it’s safe, I walk in and do what I need to do. I also take a few seconds to roll my neck and stretch my arms over my head. He’s waiting for me when I open the door, but instead of taking us back, he leads me a few steps away and then presses me against the wall.

“Are you okay?” he asks, studying my face for any signs that I’m not.

“I’m fine.”

“I don’t know how much longer it’s going to be. I’ll try to get us out of here soon.”

I can see the worry in his eyes, so I cup his face and pull him closer. “I’m fine, Roman. I promise.” I give a small smile and add, “I’m really thirsty, though. Do you think it’ll be seen as weak if you give your poor pet a drink before she dehydrates?”

He smiles, and that beautiful mouth mixed with his sexy green eyes is one hell of a combination. Even now, even in the middle of all this, the man takes my damn breath away.

“What do you want to drink, solnishka?”

“Something very strong, but I guess it’d be smarter for me to just have a Sprite or something.”

Before pulling away, he cups the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss, wanting to feel me against him before we have to go back out there and face everyone. His tongue is gentle against mine, stirring my body to life with each soft stroke, and I immediately melt against him. His sweetness is such a contrast to the harshness around us, and I crave it. I open my mouth wider for him, and he lets out a groan when I suck his vodka-flavored tongue. His hand slides down my body to cup my ass, and when he finally pulls back, we’re both breathless.

“I love you,” he whispers against my lips.

“I love you too,” I whisper back, and then he’s putting his hand on the nape of my neck and leading me out and over to the bar.

Men cheer and clap near one of the stripper poles, watching one of the dancers, and when Roman steers us through the crowd, I try very hard to not make eye contact with any of the men who are openly staring at me. Roman’s fingers tighten around my neck, the only sign that he’s aware of them watching me, and finds us an empty place at the bar. While he turns his head to wave down the bartender, I feel someone grab my wrist. Before I can do anything, the man’s spun me around and has his hands all over my body. I let out a scared yelp, and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

Roman grabs the man by the back of the neck, not too different from how he was just touching me, but there’s nothing soft and sweet about this. The look on Roman’s face has me taking a step to the side, but when I hit a hard body, I panic and try to get away.

“It’s okay,” Vitaly says, leaning down so he can speak English to me without anyone else hearing. “Stay close to me.”
