Page 60 of Paved in Blood

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“Don’t say a fucking word,” Roman says, pointing a finger at Vitaly.

He laughs and raises his hands. “I wasn’t going to. I do like the pink, though,” he says, giving me a quick wink.

Roman growls something in Russian that has Vitaly laughing and walking off. I know he’s just pushing Roman’s buttons and trying to cut the tension in the air. Roman’s brothers are completely loyal to him, and I’m so glad he has them in his life. It makes me feel better to know that he hasn’t had to go through all of this alone. They have each other, and I hope they all know that they have me now as well.

“Well, this should be a fun night,” Lev says with a laugh. He looks at Danil. “You sure you don’t want to change places with me? I’m more than happy to sit in the car all night.”

“It might not be a bad idea for them to meet you,” Roman says.

Danil flips Lev off and shuts his laptop. “Yeah, I can go in tonight.”

“So not fucking fair,” Vitaly says, walking back in with a vodka in hand.

“Maybe Matvey will switch with you,” I say.

The all go a bit quiet before Roman rests his hand on the nape of my neck and says, “No, Matvey’s staying out in the car.”

“I’m sorry,” I quickly say, cursing my own stupidity. Of course he’s not going in. It would probably upset him too much with Alina being gone.

Matvey surprises me by saying, “It’s okay. I just don’t like people touching me, and my brothers know I’d probably end up killing someone, which would defeat the purpose of all this.”

“Yeah, that would probably make people a little suspicious,” I agree.

He gives me a small smile. “Yeah, just a little bit.”

Roman’s thumb caresses my neck while he kisses the top of my head. When Danil comes back in wearing a suit, he says, “Okay, time to go.”

I look at the Melnikov brothers, all of them dressed in expensive suits except for Matvey, who’s in his usual jeans and hoodie, dark grey this time, and then I look at myself in my barely-there dress. I look like an escort who’s just been hired for the night. When I laugh, Roman lifts a brow at me.

“I was just thinking about what this must look like to others.”

Vitaly laughs. “I know exactly what it looks like.” When he sees the look Roman gives him, he just laughs and smacks Lev’s shoulder. “I know you’re thinking the same thing. We all are. Sometimes you’ve just got to laugh, Roman.”

“Yeah, we’ll see if you laugh when I say your future wife looks like a whore who’s been hired for the night.”

My eyes widen at Roman’s words, and when I look around, I see his brothers are looking pretty much the same way.

Roman cups my face and kisses me. “Yeah, you heard me right. It’s already a done deal as far as I’m concerned, but don’t worry, little sun, you’ll get a proper proposal.”

“For the record, I was going to say a high-end escort. I would never use the word whore to describe my future sister-in-law,” Vitaly says with a grin.

“Welcome to the family, sis,” Danil says, squeezing my shoulder on the way to the elevator.

Lev smiles and Matvey gives me another nod that shows he approves. I try not to cry, because even though it was just a few words and smiles, I know what this means. They’ve just given their approval and welcomed me into the family. I realize it’s a dangerous Bratva I’ve just attached myself to, but I can’t seem to give a fuck. I’m too busy being happy and feeling more loved than I’ve ever felt in my life.

Roman stands behind me in the elevator with his arm wrapped around my upper chest. I lean against him, mentally preparing myself for tonight. With my heels, it makes it easy for me to turn my head and kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses the crook of my neck. I savor the moment, because as soon as we enter the Viper, things are going to be different.

Lev drives this time, so Roman sits in the back next to me. He holds my hand the whole way, caressing my thumb with his while he and his brothers have a conversation in Russian. I start to get nervous as soon as we pull into the crowded parking lot.

“You don’t have to do this,” Roman reminds me.

“I know. I want to do this,” I tell him. “I want to help.”

I know he’s worried, so I give him a smile to let him know I’m really okay.

“Don’t forget you don’t speak English, baby.”

“I won’t.”
