Page 59 of Paved in Blood

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“You deserve far better than me,” I tell her, “and if I were a good man, I’d let you go.” When she starts to argue, I press my finger against her lips, cutting off her words. “But that’s never going to happen. Every part of me already belongs to you, solnishka.”

“I love you,” she whispers against my finger. “And I probably should’ve mentioned this earlier, but I’m not on birth control.”

I smile and give her a wink. “I know.”

Her mouth drops open, and I can’t help but give a soft laugh as I kiss her forehead. I swear I fall more in love with each passing second. I don’t know how in the hell that’s possible, but it’s the truth of things all the same. I’m still smiling when I tuck myself back into my jeans and help her get dressed. Turns out I like the mall a whole lot more than I thought I would.

Chapter 10


I walk out of that dressing room with my face flaming hot and my panties soaking wet. Roman looks down and gives me another wink, wrapping his arm around me and leading me to the front of the store. The gorgeous blonde behind the counter makes it clear she’s not happy.

“Find everything okay?” she asks, giving me a pointed look.

I recognize her voice as the woman who hit on Roman when I wasn’t there, and then I remember what he told me, so I keep my head held high and say, “Yes, thank you. Found everything and then some.”

Roman laughs and hands her his card before I can pay. When I look up at him, he leans down and presses his mouth to my ear.

“You didn’t really think I’d let you pay, did you? I’m taking care of you from now on, solnishka. You don’t need to worry about anything ever again.”

I can’t help but smile. I’m doing okay money-wise, but the money my grandparents left me is running out fast, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been worrying about the future. I refuse to take money from my parents, and it’s a relief to know I won’t need to waitress twelve hours a day to make ends meet.

“Thank you,” I whisper back and then kiss his cheek.

He kisses my ear and then wraps an arm around me before taking his card back. After we grab the bags, we go to a different store to get another pair of heels that make my feet hurt just looking at them, and then I make him eat some cinnamon sugar pretzel bites.

He dips one of the pieces into the icing and asks, “Why are we doing this again?”

I laugh and dip my piece into the icing. “Because you can’t go to the mall without eating one of these. I don’t make the rules, Roman. I just obey them.”

“I’ve never been much of a rule follower,” he murmurs, eyeing the ball of sugar before popping it in his mouth. “Damn.”

“Told you,” I say, laughing when he quickly reaches for another.

Because we didn’t consume enough sugar today, we order two homemade lemonades to go and Roman gets four more orders of the pretzel bites for his brothers. Stuffed and with our hands full, we walk back to the car. Being with Roman is so damn easy. I swear he could make the DMV fun. When we get back to the penthouse, we hang out with his brothers, laughing when they get their first taste of the sweet pretzels. I knew Matvey had a sweet tooth, but when he eats his bag and then steals one from Vitaly, it surprises even me. They don’t look like guys who sit around eating a bunch of junk food. They look like walking advertisements for gym memberships and protein shakes. I’ve never seen so much ripped muscle in real life.

While they ride their sugar high, we sit around and talk about what’s going to happen tonight. None of us know exactly what to expect, but the bottom line is to keep our ears open, take in as many details as possible, and I’m not allowed to go anywhere on my own. I feel like I might be more of a hindrance than anything else, but I can’t let Roman go in there alone. It’s not safe, and I can’t stomach the thought of some other woman in his lap.

When it’s time to get ready, I put the pink dress on with the black heels. My makeup is dark and smoky, and I’m just about to put the blonde wig on when Roman walks in and steps up behind me. He wraps his arms around me and meets my eyes in the mirror.

“I just want to see my girl before you put the wig on and turn into someone else.”

“I’m still me.”

“I know, baby.” He kisses my cheek and then steps back so I can put the wig on. When it’s situated, I give it a brush and then turn to face him.

“You might like this. It could be a role-playing thing.”

“I don’t want to imagine you’re anyone other than you, solnishka.” He runs his eyes over my dress and then lets out a sigh. “God, I hate that other men will see you in this.” His hand runs up my side before circling around to grab my ass. “You look fucking amazing, baby.”

I smile up at him and run my hands along his suit jacket. It’s another all black suit that looks expensive as hell and makes him look deadly as sin. “You look pretty damn amazing yourself.” I lean closer and give him a sniff. “God, you smell good too.”

He laughs and gives my ass a soft spank. “I’m glad you think so because you’re going to be glued to me all night long.”


He smiles and grabs my hand, walking with me to where his brothers are already waiting. Uncomfortable doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel walking around in this little clothing, but I need to get used to it. I’m going to be doing it all night, and I’m guessing a woman who’s being kept as a sex pet isn’t going to be shy about walking around half-naked.
