Page 58 of Paved in Blood

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“I certainly hope so,” I say with a grin. “I’d hate for her to have any doubts about the woman I want.”

Emily’s face heats up, but when I bring a hand between her thighs, she lets out a moan that’s pure please fuck me. I used all my willpower not fucking her this morning, and even though part of my brain is saying she’s still sore, the other part is screaming it’s been several hours since this morning, surely she’s better by now.

As soon as I drag a finger along her slit and feel how wet she is, I know I’m seconds away from losing control. I bring my mouth to hers, nipping at her bottom lip as she lets out a soft whimper and grabs onto my shoulders.

“Stop me, solnishka. If you’re too sore, you need to stop me right fucking now.”

“I’m not too sore,” she whispers, already pawing at my jeans, popping the button and lowering my zipper in record time.

“Fuck,” I growl when she reaches in and pulls my cock free. Her dress is so goddam short that all I have to do is pick her up and push her panties aside. I watch her face as I slowly slide into her. She winces at first, but when I back off and fuck her with just my head, her face softens and she kisses me hard. Her hands run through my hair as she sucks my tongue into her mouth. I grip her ass tighter before I feed her the rest of my cock, and when I’m balls deep inside her, she lets out a moan that I have no doubt can be heard beyond the dressing room. I smile against her lips and slowly lift her up the length of me before pulling her back down.

Wanting her to see, I walk us over to the mirror. “Watch me fuck you, solnishka,” I whisper against her lips.

She turns her head to look at the mirror, moaning again when she sees the perfect view of her bare ass, the base of my cock before it disappears in her tight cunt, and my heavy balls that are about to fill her with everything I have.

“You see how fucking sexy you are? You see how gorgeous your pussy is when it’s taking my cock?”

“Fuck,” she moans, unable to take her eyes off us. I dig my fingers into her ass hard enough to leave bruises and slam back into her.

“Now be a good girl and come all over my cock. Make a mess on me, little sun. Make my cock filthy.”

“Yes,” she whimpers, shaking her head and keeping her eyes on the way I’m pounding into her because she wants this just as much as I do. Her pussy clenches around me even tighter, and when she starts to come, she lets out a small scream before bringing her mouth to mine to stifle the noise. I swallow her screams, slamming into her even harder until my whole body tenses with my release. With a deep groan, I let go, filling her with everything I have until I’m completely spent.

I kiss her gently, growing soft inside her, holding her for several more minutes before I finally pull away and rest my forehead against hers.

“I’m sorry, little sun. The plan was to give you a couple of days to recover.” I let out a soft laugh. “Apparently I can’t be trusted around you.”

She smiles and kisses me again. “I wanted this. I wanted it this morning too” she reminds me. Her face turns bright red when we hear someone enter the dressing room. The high-heeled steps grow closer before there’s a knock at the door.

“Yes?” I say, trying not to laugh at Emily’s mortified face.

“Are you about done?”

I recognize the woman’s voice. It’s the same one who hit on me earlier. Knowing it’s her does make me laugh.

“Yeah, we’ll be out in a few.”

“I should hope so,” she mutters. “This is a respectable store, not a rent-by-the-hour motel room.”

“Oh my god,” Emily whispers.

“I said we’ll be out in a couple of minutes.” This time I let the irritation creep into my voice, and she takes the hint, proving she’s not as stupid as I first thought.

Her footsteps disappear back out into the main area, and Emily buries her face in my neck with an embarrassed groan. I laugh and kiss her head.

“I’d apologize for fucking you in a dressing room, but I’m not even slightly sorry about it. I just hope it didn’t make you too sore.”

She laughs and kisses my neck. “I’m okay, and I’m not sorry either. I’m just not looking forward to facing her.”

I gently lift her off me and set her down. Hooking a finger under her chin, I tilt her face up. “You’re going to face her with your head held high, baby, because no one is allowed to make you feel bad. I love you, and you let me fuck you, and it felt amazing. Nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart.”

She nods and presses her palm against my cheek. “I could never be ashamed of anything that has to do with you.”

“Well, you probably should be a little ashamed about some of the things I do,” I say, giving her a wink, “but nothing that has to do with us.”

She shakes her head. “No. I’m not ashamed of anything. I know what you do for a living, but I also know the man you are. You’re a good man, Roman.”

I smile at how sweet she is. She’s very wrong, though. I’m not a good man. I’m a bad man who just happens to have a few morals. I hope she always thinks I’m worthy of her love, but the truth is I’m not.
