Page 57 of Paved in Blood

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“I think this place might have what we’re looking for,” she says, eyeing a rack of dresses that are so small, I doubt they can really be called clothing. “How about this one?” she holds up a black dress with lots of gaps between the fabric. Calling it tiny is being kind. I’d use the word minuscule or nonexistent.

“Jesus Christ,” I groan. “Can we find something that’s not going to give me a heart attack?” I run my fingers over the dress, imagining her in it, the tiny strip of black fabric that would fit across her tits before revealing the skin of her hips in peek-a-boo cutouts. I wrap my hand around the hanger. “On second thought, we’re getting this, but you’re wearing it just for me.”

She smiles and nods her head. “Deal. I’ll find something not quite so daring for the club.”

“Thank you.”

I take the black dress and watch her make her way around the store. She finds a pink dress that’s skimpy enough to fit in, but not so revealing that I won’t be able to handle it, and then grabs two more that are similar in style, one in a deep red and the other in black. She takes them all into a dressing room while I sit in one of the chairs outside and wait.

It doesn’t take long before a sales assistant walks over. The dress she’s wearing hardly seems appropriate for work, but I guess it fits in with their merchandise. She gives me a big smile and leans over a bit so I can see down her dress if I want a peek. I don’t. I keep my eyes on hers and raise a brow.

“Can I help you with anything?”

“No,” I tell her, hoping she’ll take the hint and leave.

She just giggles and then leans over even further in case I missed what she was doing the first time. “Want me to model anything for you?”

Now I’m just pissed. “Did you see me walk in with my girlfriend?”

She gives another soft laugh. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Back the fuck off,” I growl at her, and she finally takes the hint and stands up, putting some distance between us. “You should’ve done your damn job and asked my girlfriend if she needed help while you saw her shopping, but instead you wait until she’s in the dressing room and then try to hit on me. Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

She puts a hand on her hip and glares at me. “You don’t have to be so rude.”

I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “Rude is hitting on me with my girlfriend right through those doors,” I say, pointing at the dressing room. “That’s fucking rude. Assuming I’m an asshole who would cheat on her, that’s also rude.”

I wave my hand at her, annoyed and ready for her to disappear. “Get the fuck out of here.”

The woman huffs out an angry breath and turns on her heels to leave, muttering an “asshole” under her breath. I don’t bother saying anything. I don’t give a fuck what she thinks. I’m still pissed about what just happened when Emily cracks the door of the dressing room she’s in and peeks her head out.

“Want to see?”

“Fuck yes I do,” I quickly say and walk over to her. Opening the door, I step inside and shut it behind me. When I take in the sight of her, a deep groan escapes me. She’s wearing the cotton-candy pink one, and it makes her look fucking delicious. This one has much smaller cut-outs on the side, just enough to give me a teasing look at her soft skin.

“Goddamn, solnishka,” I whisper, feeling my cock grow painfully hard. I motion for her to turn around, and when she does, I let out another groan at the sight of her round ass in that tiny dress.

“I changed my mind. I don’t want you wearing this in public.”

She smiles and grabs another hanger. “You haven’t seen them all yet. Close your eyes.”

I smile and do as I’m told, closing my eyes until she tells me I can look. One by one she tries the dresses on for me, each one nearly driving me out of my damn mind. By the time I open my eyes and see her in the black one with the much larger cutouts, my cock is straining against my jeans, and I’m barely hanging on.

“Fuck,” I growl, stepping closer and running my hands up her body, dragging my fingers along the bare skin of her hips and then along the strip of fabric that’s stretched across her tits. She’s not wearing a bra, and her nipples immediately harden and press against the dress. I drag a finger along the underside of her breasts that this dress does shit to hide and feel my restraint weaken with each passing second.

“Thanks for what you said out there,” Emily whispers. Her words are shaky, her breaths faster, and when I run my fingers along the swell of her left tit, I can feel her heart racing.

“To that woman?”


“I’m sorry you had to hear what she said.”

“Thanks for sending her away.”

“Of course, baby. You’re the only woman I want.” I step closer, and she takes a step back until she’s pinned against the dressing room wall.

“Roman,” she whispers, and there’s a warning in her tone that I ignore as my hands snake around her waist and grip her ass. “Everyone will hear us.”
