Page 56 of Paved in Blood

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“Thank god,” Emily says from beside me.

I rest my hand on the nape of her neck. “Don’t worry, solnishka, we’ll get you something that’s not quite as revealing as that.”

Danil shrugs and goes back to his computer. “Just trying to help. You know Vitaly would’ve suggested even less than that.”

“Less than a thong and pasties?” Emily asks. “How can you get less than that?”

“He’d figure something out,” Danil says with a grin.

She laughs while I try not to think about her walking around in something like that in front of my brothers and a club full of men.

“Come on, we can get something to eat on the way.”

She smiles up at me and grabs my hand. “Okay, sounds good.”

We stop at a small diner on the way and eat breakfast. I laugh when she cleans her plate and then eats my last pancake.

“I know,” she says, while her cheeks heat up, “my mom always tells me I eat too much.”

I reach across the table and grab her hand. “Don’t you dare apologize to me for having a healthy appetite, and you should know by now to not listen to a damn word your mom says.” I meet her brown eyes. “I love that you can clean a plate, baby. It’s sexy as fuck.”

She smiles and finishes off the last of her orange juice. “Okay, I’m ready.”

I laugh and wave the waitress over to give us the check. After it’s paid, we get back in the car and head for the mall. I park in the huge parking garage, and when we’re in the elevator, I tell her, “You’ll have to lead the way. I’ve never been here before.”

“You’ve never been to the mall?”

I laugh at her surprise. “No, baby, I have not.”

She gives me a devious smile and steeples her fingers. “There’s so much I want to show you.”

Before I can say anything, she’s grabbing my hand and pulling me off the elevator. I scan the huge building we’re in, the stores that fill in every available space, the huge crowd, and the constant noise of people talking and music coming from the stores around us, each one playing a different song. It’s sensory overload and a security nightmare for someone like me. Without even thinking, I reach my arm around her and pull her in tightly against me.

“Are you always this insanely protective?”

I look down at her and smile. “With you? Yes. You might want to get used to it because it won’t be changing anytime soon.”

She wraps an arm around me and pats my chest. “Okay, you can go into killer Bratva boss mode, if you must, but we’re still going to have fun.” Her smile grows as she starts to lead me down a path that takes us to the big main entrance. She doesn’t stop until we’re standing in front of a small photo booth. Her smile is as big as it can get, and her light brown eyes are lit up with excitement. My little sun is beaming, and I can’t look away.

“You’re so beautiful, solnishka,” I whisper, cupping her face in my hands.

She blushes at my words and pushes the red curtain aside, revealing the small bench seat. I raise an eyebrow at her.

“We need to commemorate this occasion, Roman. It’s your first time at the mall. It needs to be documented.”

I laugh and squeeze my large frame inside before grabbing her hips and putting her on my lap. Once we’re ready, she pushes the button and then catches me in a quick kiss for our first photo. She pulls a face for the second one, so I’m caught mid-laugh in the next two, but then I give her another kiss, and for the last one she puts her face next to mine as we both smile at the camera.

As soon as our photos pop out, she squeals and holds them up for me to see. I barely recognize the man in the five small photos. I look happy, like ridiculously carefree, and it’s all because of the beautiful little fireball standing right next to me.

I cup her face and run my eyes over her. “You make me happier than I ever thought I could be.”

She smiles and kisses my inner wrist. “I feel the same way about you. It seems like a dream sometimes, and it scares me, like I’m going to wake up one day and realize none of this is real.”

I lean down and give her a kiss. “It’s real, baby. I promise you it’s real, and I’m not going anywhere.”

She nods and kisses me again. “Okay then, let’s go get me some slutty dresses.”

Laughing, I take her hand and let her lead me to the first store. This entire mall is sensory overload, and by the time we get to the fourth store, I’m ready to leave, but Emily is having fun, so I know that means I’ll be staying here as long as she wants.
