Page 55 of Paved in Blood

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“Feels pretty damn good, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” I admit with a laugh.

We stay like this for a few minutes before I finally say, “Your dad wanted me and Vitaly and Lev to come back to the club tonight.”

Before I can even say that she doesn’t have to do this, she says, “I’m coming with you.”

“Are you sure you want to?” I ask, knowing that we can’t do this without her, not in a way that either of us would like anyway. I could force her to stay here, but then I’d have to have another woman in my lap, and I can’t stomach the idea of doing that.

She reaches down and cups my face, nudging me to look up at her. When I do, she smiles and caresses my cheek with her thumb. “We’re in this together. I’ll be safe as long as I’m with you.”

I turn so I can kiss her hand, wondering how in the hell a guy like me managed to get someone as perfect as her.

“You’re far too good for me,” I whisper against her skin.

“Well, you’re far too hot for me, so I guess we’re even.”

I laugh and kiss her stomach. “You’re out of your mind, solnishka. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I hate that so many men are going to be seeing just about all of you tonight.”

“Damn, I forgot about slutty clothes. I need to go and get more dresses. I only had that one, and someone is going to notice if I keep recycling it. It’ll look like you don’t care enough to dress your pet well.”

“We can’t have that,” I murmur against her skin, giving her hip a soft bite. “Okay, I guess we’re going shopping.”

“You’re coming with me?”

“Of course. Don’t I get a say in how my pet dresses?”

She gives an overdramatic groan. “Please, nothing too far out of my comfort zone.”

“If I had my way, you’d be wearing a snowsuit tonight.”


I raise a brow at her. “On you it would be.”

She laughs when I pick her up and carry her into the bathroom. After a shower that takes longer than expected because I can’t keep my hands off her naked body, we get dressed and walk into the kitchen. Danil is at the island with an omelet and his laptop, but the others are nowhere in sight.

“Morning,” Emily tells him, going straight for the coffeepot.

“Morning.” Danil says before taking a bite.

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask him.

“Vitaly’s still sleeping, Lev is at the gym, and Matvey is around here somewhere.” He lowers his voice and says in Russian, “He woke up screaming again last night. I don’t think he got much sleep after that. Vitaly stayed up with him.”

I look towards the stairs in the general direction of where Matvey’s rooms are, but there’s no sign of him. He used to wake up with night terrors every night, but it had gotten better over the last few months, or at least I thought it had.

“Thanks,” I tell Emily when she passes me a mug of coffee. “Want me to make you something, or do you want to stop somewhere on the way to the mall?”

“The mall?” Danil asks.

Emily laughs. “I need more clothes for the club. My usual wardrobe is not going to cut it.”

“Just wear a thong and some pasties,” Danil says, and when I shoot him a look, he laughs and says, “Tell me with a straight face that would look out of place in that club.”

When I don’t say anything, he laughs again.

“She’s still not wearing it,” I tell him. “No way can I handle that.”
