Page 54 of Paved in Blood

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I carry Emily back down the hall, shutting the bedroom door on the laughter that’s still filtering in from the living room. Pulling back the covers, I lower her down before crawling in next to her. Just like she did the other night, she snuggles in against me, molding her body to mine as if we’ve been sleeping together for years.

“I love you,” I whisper against her cheek, giving her a kiss and running my fingers through her hair. There’s something about those silky strands running through my fingers that calms me on a deep level. One minute I’m stroking her hair, and the next minute the sun is streaming in through the windows and I’ve got a tight, round ass rubbing up against my hard cock.

“Morning, solnishka,” I murmur against the nape of her neck.

“Morning,” she whispers, her voice raspy after sleeping all night.

When she gives another wiggle, I grab her hip hard enough to still her movements. “You make it very difficult to do the right thing, sweetheart.”

“So do the wrong thing,” she moans, trying her damndest to move her hips.

She’s a temptation unlike anything I’ve ever known, but as much as I want to slide into her, I know it would end up being too painful for her right now. She may think she’s ready for another round, but I know she’s most definitely not.

So I do the only thing I can do. I roughly grab her pajama bottoms, yanking them off her body with her panties, and then I flip her onto her back.

“Show me what’s mine, baby,” I say, watching her part her thighs for me. She’s still a bit swollen from last night, but she’s soaked, and it’s taking all my willpower to not fuck her. Gripping the backs of her thighs, I part her legs even wider, groaning when her pussy lips open for me.

“More, little sun. I want to see everything that belongs to me.”

She bites her bottom lip and brings her hands down to gently part her lips for me, giving me an amazing view of the wet, pink pussy I’m dying to fuck.

“Don’t move,” I tell her. “Keep yourself open for me.”

She nods and lets out a sexy moan when I slide my tongue into her. I delve in like a starving man, lapping up her juices and sliding into her as deeply as I can. She whimpers and tries to rock her hips, but I keep her pinned in place, tilting her up even more to give me a better view.

I run my tongue over her pussy lips and the fingers that are holding them open before kissing my way to her clit. Her gasp fills the air around us when I latch onto her and give her a suck. I love how responsive she is to my touch. It makes me want to tease her for hours, but I can’t do that today, so I give her swollen nub a flick of my tongue, toying with her until she’s whimpering and I feel her body start to shake. When I know she’s only seconds away, I bring my thumb to her clit, rubbing her in tight, firm circles so I can bring my mouth back to her slit, wanting to catch her release on my tongue.

She screams my name and right as she comes her pussy tenses, trying so damn hard to clench around something, but Emily keeps herself spread open like a good girl. I growl against her soft folds when my mouth is full of her juices, and I swallow it down before diving in for more. My thumb keeps working her clit, dragging her orgasm out for as long as possible as her body shakes beneath me.

When she becomes too sensitive, I gentle my movements while I kiss and lick her clean. Before I lift my head, I slide her fingers into my mouth, sucking them clean as well, and when I’m satisfied, I give her pussy one more kiss and then pull her down so we’re face to face.

“I will never get tired of your wake-up methods.”

I smile at the loopy grin she’s giving me and the lazy, relaxed-as-fuck tone of her voice. “Well, in all fairness, you started it by rubbing your amazing ass against my dick.”

“Can’t blame a girl for trying,” she says, making me laugh.

I cup her face and kiss her slowly, groaning when she wraps her legs around me and presses my hard cock against her pussy.

“I would love to slide into you, solnishka, but I know you’re too sore for that.”

She smiles and slides her hands into my boxers, tugging them down my thighs. When she can’t reach any lower, she uses her feet, not stopping until I’m naked from the waist down. I’m not surprised when she grabs my T-shirt and pulls it over my head. It’s only fair that I get to see her naked too, and in just a couple of seconds, my naked body is laying on top of hers and I’m wondering why the hell I’ve done this to myself.

Her small hand reaches between us, and when I lift up to give her room, she wraps her hand around me as best she can. Gripping me tightly, she moves up and down the length of me.

“Fucking hell, baby,” I groan against her lips, kissing her harder as her hand keeps working me. I’m already covered in my own arousal, making it easy for her to work me, and when she starts to speed up, I can’t resist rocking my hips, thrusting into her hand as we find our rhythm.

“Tighter, solnishka,” I growl. “Make it feel like your pussy.”

She smiles and gives my bottom lip a hard enough bite to send a rush of pleasure straight down my spine. My balls tense when she squeezes me harder and pushes me over the edge. I pull back in just enough time to shoot my seed all over her perfect little cunt. If I can’t come in it, then I can at least come all over it. My cock pulses as all-consuming ecstasy washes over me. Emily runs her tongue along mine, kissing me so goddamn sweetly until I’m completely empty and my body is trembling above hers.

“God, I love you.” I smile and look down at her. She loosens her grip on my cock but doesn’t let go, stroking me in featherlight touches that send aftershocks through every part of me.

“I love you too.” She gives me another kiss and then watches when I lift up to look at her. I groan at the sight of her bald pussy covered in my cum. Running a finger up her slit, I coat it in my release and then slowly push it inside her, filling her with my seed. She clamps down on me, taking into her body everything I’m giving her. I do it again, dragging my finger along the outside of her pussy before pushing it into her until she’s clean on the outside and stuffed full on the inside.

I kiss her inner thigh. “Try to not let it slip out, baby.”

She smiles and nods, and when I rest the side of my face against her stomach, she threads her fingers through my hair, stroking my scalp in a way that feels downright orgasmic. I understand what she was talking about in the bathtub last night. When I let out a sigh, she laughs and massages along my temple.
