Page 53 of Paved in Blood

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“You make it sound like you’re the only one who draws that line,” Vitaly says. “I know you all think of me as a manwhore—”

“Because you are one,” Danil cuts in with a laugh.

“Whatever, even manwhores have standards.”

“Since when?” Lev asks.

“Keep it up,” Vitaly says. “I’ll remember this when you need my help tomorrow night.”

Lev laughs. “You know I’m just messing around. I think you have a lot of standards for a manwhore.”

“Thank you.” Vitaly grabs another handful of popcorn. “Was that so difficult?”

“What are you going to do when this new batch of women comes in?” Matvey asks. “Sounds like Chris expects these two to pick out some pets.”

I scrub a hand over my face and sigh. “I’m hoping it won’t come to that. If we keep hanging out at the club and get David to trust us, maybe he’ll let something slip about the plane coming in or about whoever is suppling the women.”

Looking down at Emily, I brush back a strand of her hair, unable to take my eyes off how beautiful she looks.

“I can’t believe I have to bring her back into that place,” I say.

“We won’t let anything happen to her,” Lev says.

“Damn straight,” Vitaly says, and I’m so fucking grateful that I’m not alone in this. They’ve been with me since day one, and I trust them with my life, and, more importantly, I trust them with Emily’s. I could never have survived this last year without them, and I know that if I’m going to find Alina, it’s going to be with their help.

Matvey pushes one of his sleeves up, giving me a rare glimpse of his scars. He’s tattooed over them, but they’re still visible. His dark eyes meet mine. “Do you think Alina might be on this plane coming in?”

“I don’t know,” I tell him, “but even if she’s not, I think it’s possible that the group behind it is the one who took her. If we can find out who they are, I think we might be able to find her.”

His face is a mask, not revealing anything that he’s thinking or feeling when he gives me a slow nod.

Danil closes his computer and stretches his arms back above his head with a yawn. “I’m still digging around. I’ve alway suspected it’s a Bratva that runs this, but they’re damn good at covering their tracks. The fact that Sam said this shipment of girls is Eastern European makes me think that this might be the organization we’ve been searching for.”

He looks between me and Matvey. “Don’t get your hopes up about Alina being on this flight. I’m guessing she won’t be, but like you said, Roman, if we can use this opportunity to get a name, then I think we’ll be able to track her down.”

I run my hands through Emily’s hair, smiling when she gives a soft snore.

“I’m guessing this one is here to stay, yeah?” Vitaly asks, waving a popcorn-filled hand in Emily’s direction.

“She is,” I tell him.

He smiles and before he shovels all that popcorn in, he says, “Good, I like her.”

“Me too,” Lev says.

“Yeah, I like her too,” Danil says.

Matvey just nods his approval, but it means just as much to me as the other’s.

“I should get her to bed. I haven’t told her yet that we need to go back to the Viper.” I’m already thinking about her having to wear such a revealing outfit again. God, if there was any way to pull this off with her in a sweatsuit, I’d fucking do it. Maybe I can pretend to rip her dress again and put her in my jacket. Yeah, I’ll definitely be doing that.

I scoop a sleeping Emily into my arms, and when she immediately buries her face against my neck, I fucking melt for her.

“Yeah, she’s definitely here to stay,” Vitaly says, giving me a smug smirk while elbowing Lev. “Look at that lovey-dovey look on his face.”

Lev laughs. “He’s practically got rainbows shooting out of his ass.”

“Assholes,” I mutter, which just makes them laugh harder, but I can’t be angry at them, especially when I see Matvey crack a small smile. I’d let them poke fun at me all goddamn night if it gives him a few seconds of relief, a few seconds where he’s not trapped inside his mind, being tormented by memories and what-ifs.
