Page 52 of Paved in Blood

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I run my hands up her legs, massaging her muscles, soothing her worn-out body, and by the time I get to her shoulders, she’s a little loopy from the aftercare. She gives me an adorable smile and kisses my hand.

“Thanks for taking care of me, Roman.”

“I will always take care of you, little sun.”

I bring my hands up, working the nape of her neck and then massaging up into her scalp. She lets out a moan of pure pleasure that has me smiling.

“You’re damn good at this.”

“Am I? I’ve never done it before, so I wasn’t sure it would feel good.”

“You haven’t?”

I laugh and kiss her head. “I wasn’t lying when I told you I’ve never cared about anyone but you. I’ve never done anything even remotely close to this with anyone else, baby.”


I smile at her tone. I know she hates that I have a past, but I want her to understand that it’s not what she’s picturing.

“This is also my first bath with a woman. I may not have been a virgin, but I’ve already given you so many of my firsts.”

She turns her head and steals a quick kiss. “Thanks for telling me.”

I wrap my arms around her, running my hands along her perfect, wet body. When the water starts to grow cold, I ask her, “You ready to go to bed?”

She surprises me by saying, “Do you think there’s any pizza left?”

I laugh when her stomach growls and reach over to grab a couple of towels. “If they ate it all, we can order more.”

Stepping out, I wrap a towel around my waist and then hold one out for her. She lets me dry her off and only blushes a little bit when I bend down to part her thighs again. I need to make sure she’s okay. Knowing how important it is to me, she widens her stance and lets me look. I gently part her pussy lips, relieved that she doesn’t look as swollen and raw as she did thirty minutes ago. I lean closer and give her a soft kiss as she runs her hands through my hair. God, this woman drives me crazy. The fact that I’ve willingly gotten on my knees before her says it all. I will gladly bow down to my queen. Some people need to lose the person they love before they can appreciate them, but I’ve already suffered enough loss in my life to know how damn lucky I am to have her.

We walk into the bedroom, and while Emily puts on the pajamas she brought, I throw on some workout shorts and a T-shirt. I pull her in for a hug before we head back out into the kitchen. My brothers are still sprawled out across the large, sectional couch.

“I knew you’d need to replenish calories,” Vitaly says with a laugh. “Leftovers are in the fridge and the popcorn’s over here.”

I heat up some pizza while Emily grabs a couple of cokes for us. My eyes run over her, noticing the slowness of her movements, the slight limp in her steps, and the way her lips press in a tight line when she sits down on the couch. I grab her some aspirin and put it on her plate before walking over to join her.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” Lev asks in Russian. “She’s moving like she took a few rounds in the ring.”

“At least she’s not in a sex coma like last time,” Vitaly says and then laughs at his own joke.

“Can we not?” I ask, wrapping an arm around Emily when I sit down next to her.

“Are you guys talking about me?” she asks, looking from me and then to all four of my brothers. Vitaly smiles at her, Lev bites his lip ring to keep from laughing, Danil pretends he has no idea what’s going on by burying his head in his laptop, and Matvey is still watching the movie. “Yeah, you definitely are.”

She picks up the aspirin and pops them in her mouth, swallowing them down with a drink of coke before she gives me a smile and tells me thanks before picking up her first slice of pizza. She wasn’t lying about being hungry. I watch her devour four slices, and when she reaches for a fifth, Vitaly says, “Damn, girl.”

Emily blushes and laughs and then grabs the slice and takes a big bite. I think I fall a little more in love with her right in that moment. When she’s eaten her fill, she reaches over and grabs one of the bowls of popcorn before sitting back against me.

We watch the movie, but I’m not really paying attention. I’m too busy watching the woman who’s so seamlessly joined our lives. She fits with us, and I love that. My brothers are a part of me. We’re a package deal, and Emily seems to be perfectly okay with that. She laughs and cracks jokes with them, and even manages to get a small smile out of Matvey. She’s the missing piece I hadn’t even realized we all needed.

By the time the credits start rolling, she’s passed out on my lap, softly snoring with her hand still in the popcorn bowl. I smile and move the bowl, handing it back to Vitaly.

“So what happened tonight?” Danil asks, switching back to Russian.

I fill them in on the conversation I had with Chris, and neither Vitaly nor Lev look thrilled about the idea of going back to the Viper tomorrow night, but we all know it’s necessary.

“I can’t fuck one of those girls,” Lev says, clasping his hands behind his head and stretching out even more. “Usually I’d have no problem with it, but none of them are there by choice. I don’t have many morals, but I draw the line at forced prostitution.”
