Page 51 of Paved in Blood

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“Yes,” I moan when he slides in again.

“Embrace it, solnishka. Let the pain enhance the pleasure.”

He slides a hand between us and starts to rub my clit while he keeps slowly fucking me with half his cock. My eyes widen in surprise, and when he sees it, he gives me a wink and then presses his lips to mine, kissing me like he’ll never be able to get enough. His tongue delves in, sliding along mine, claiming every inch of my mouth as his thumb runs along my clit. Each rub sends a spark of pleasure through me as the pressure builds deep within. Right before I come, he slams into me. The pain is dulled by the pleasure that’s now rushing through me, and when he keeps working my clit while staying buried inside me, all I can do is whimper against his mouth and cling to him as my body shakes and everything else disappears except for the all-consuming hunger that he’s awakened inside me.

When I kiss him harder and tighten my legs around him, he groans and slowly starts to fuck me. The pain is still there, the burn of my pussy stretching around the cock that feels impossibly big, but the pleasure is quickly overriding it.

“Harder,” I moan against his lips.

Smiling he pulls back and looks at me. “Harder? You sure you can handle it, solnishka.”

“We’re about to find out,” I say, digging my nails into his back and urging him for more.

“Don’t pass out on me, baby,” he teases, but when I say, “I’ll try not to,” I’m being completely honest. I can’t help but wonder just how much I can take.

Grabbing one of my legs, he brings it up between us, pressing my knee close to my chest. My hips tip up, and when he rocks into me, an embarrassingly loud moan escapes when I feel how much deeper he can get at this angle.

“God, you feel so fucking good,” he growls against my lips as he starts to fuck me harder.

I cling to him as he pounds into me. All coherent thoughts fly right out of my head. Roman reduces me to nothing but emotion. I feel this moment, this entire experience, on a level that goes beyond words and rational thought. We transcend it. We go to a place where only he and I exist, and when another orgasm rips through me, I scream his name, knowing I will never be the same. He’s a part of me now, and there’s no going back to the life I had before him.

He growls against my lips, slamming into me as I clench around him even tighter, and when I feel him pulse inside me with his release, another wave of pleasure shoots through me. My hands run through his hair while his kiss softens and his body gives a shudder. Keeping himself buried inside me, he cups my face with one hand and smiles against my lips.

“I love you so much, baby.”

“I love you too.”

He presses his forehead to mine, brushing aside the sweaty hair that’s sticking to my face. When he lets go of my leg, I wince at the sharp spike of pain that hits me. He kisses my furrowed brow and then kisses along my cheek, whispering “I’m sorry” against my skin as he slowly slides out of me.

“Damn,” I hiss when he’s free and I feel the full extent of what we’ve just done. “Why the hell did I ask for harder?” I laugh and then wince and then cup his worried face. “I’m fine, Roman. I promise. I’m just sore.”

He studies me for a second, making sure I’m telling the truth before he sits back to look at me. I was hoping my blushing would go away with my busted cherry, but no such luck. My face flares to life when he grips my thighs and gently spreads me wide. I see the worry on his face, and it makes me lift up onto my elbows.

Too afraid to look, I ask, “Is everything okay? Did you break my pussy, Roman?”

He laughs and meets my eyes. “No, solnishka, I didn’t break your perfect pussy. You’re just swollen and a little irritated.”

I look down, and even though I can’t fully see myself, I can see him, and the blood he’s covered in has me letting out a freaked-out yelp. I knew there would be blood. But knowing it and seeing it are two very different things.

“Baby, it’s okay,” he quickly says, and then he scoops me into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. He kisses my forehead. “I promise it’s okay. You’ll feel better after a soak.”

He starts the bath, and as soon as it’s deep enough, he steps in, lowering us both down until I’m sitting in his lap and sighing at how good the hot water feels against my sore skin. I rest my head on his chest and kiss his neck.

“I’m sorry if I was too rough.” His fingers run up my arm and along my back. “I should have told you no when you wanted it harder. You’re damn hard to resist, though.”

“It was perfect. Everything was perfect, and I don’t regret a second of it.”

He looks down at me and smiles. “It was pretty goddamn perfect. I knew you were going to feel good, but fucking hell, that was on a whole new level. I had no idea anything could feel like that.”

I kiss his neck again and settle back against him as he wraps his arms around me, making me feel safe and loved. It’s not a bad place to be, and I’d love nothing more than to stay here for the rest of my life.

Chapter 9


I hold Emily, knowing I’d happily keep her right here on my lap for the rest of our lives if I could. I’m still reeling from what we just shared. Being inside her was unlike anything I’ve ever known. Sex has always felt good, or at least I thought it did, but what I just experienced with Emily puts all of it to shame. I felt connected to her on a deep level, like it wasn’t just our bodies intertwined back there.

When I reposition her on my lap and she winces again, I feel a stab of guilt. I’d been too rough with her. She’d begged me for harder, and I’d been powerless to deny her. A better man would’ve been as gentle as a lamb with her, but I’m not that man. Before I met Emily, I didn’t have soft bone in my body. I was all hard edges and anger, but she’s changing me. I may have been rough with her, but it was a thousand times more gentle than I wanted to be. I guess that counts for something.
