Page 50 of Paved in Blood

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He teases me with his head, pushing in just enough to barely part my lips, and when I dig my heels into his ass, trying to force him in, he laughs and braces himself on one forearm so he can reach down and fist his cock.

“Fuck,” I whimper when he drags his head along my soaked slit before running it over my swollen clit.

“This is mine, little sun. I’m the only one who gets to see this perfect pussy. I’m the only one who gets to touch it or taste it or fuck it.” He rolls his velvety soft head around my clit, nearly sending me over the edge. “All fucking mine,” he growls.

“Yes,” I moan. “Only yours.” I grab onto his arms, feeling the hard muscle beneath my fingers. “It will only ever be yours.”

“Before I slide into you and make it official, I’m going to make you come. I want to watch this tight pussy soak my cock.”

I hiss out a breath because his words have the orgasm building fast within me. He grips one of my thighs and lifts up enough so he can see between us. He rocks his hips, sliding his cock along my pussy again, and when it’s not enough, he sits up and grabs my hips. His fingers dig into my flesh, spreading me wider so my pussy lips part.

“Goddamn,” he growls, pressing harder against me so the length of his cock is nestled between my lips as he slides up and down my slit.

My back arches off the bed, and I moan his name, knowing I’m only seconds away.

“Soak me like a good fucking girl,” he commands, and my body jumps to obey. I scream his name and buck against him. His fingers dig in harder, holding me in place as my pussy clenches, trying to pull him inside where I want him. I can hear how wet I’ve made him. Each thrust of his hips fills the space around us with the wet, erotic sounds of my release, and all I can think about is getting more.

I raise my arms to him, motioning with my fingers for him to get closer. He takes one last look at my pussy before lowering his body back on top of mine. He kisses a path along my jaw, whispering against my skin, “Such a good fucking girl. You made a mess on me, baby, just like I wanted.”

“Please,” I beg, running my hands through his hair and bringing his mouth to mine. “Please fuck me.”

He groans and positions the head of his cock against my slit again. Keeping his eyes on mine, he slowly starts to slide in.

“Fuck,” I hiss when his thick head slides in and I feel something tear.

“So fucking beautiful,” he whispers. He watches me, sees the pain that crosses my face when he slowly sinks in deeper, and watching it pulls another deep groan from him.

“I know it hurts, baby, but you’re doing so good.” He slides in a little bit more, making me bite my lip to keep from yelling out from the pain. “You’re so fucking tight, solnishka, but you’re spreading so good for me.”

He tugs on my lip with his teeth, pulling it out from my own before giving the abused lip a soft suck.

“Just relax, baby,” he whispers against my lips.

“I’m trying.” My fingers dig into his shoulders, and I can feel how tense my body still is.

He rests his forehead against mine. “Breathe with me, little sun.”

When he takes in a deep breath, I mimic it. He keeps his body still as I struggle to get used to his size, and when he exhales, I do the same. We stay like this, his body pressed against mine, half his cock buried in my pussy, and our eyes locked on one another until my body slowly starts to relax.

“You okay?”

“Yes,” I whisper, feeling embarrassed and stupid because I’m sure no other woman he’s been with needed to have her hand held like this.

“Oh no you don’t,” he murmurs, running his thumb along my cheek. “Don’t you dare start getting embarrassed or feeling bad because you’re so tight.” He gives a soft laugh. “Do you have any idea how much I fucking love this?”

“You do?”

He smiles, and I can see the truth of what he’s saying in his eyes.

“Solnishka, I love every second of this. I love that I have to prep you and stretch you and get you slowly used to my cock. I love that your whole body is shaking, and god help me, I love that it’s hurting you a little bit.”

When he sees my confusion, he kisses me softly and says, “I’m a violent man, baby, and I would never hurt you.” He nips at my bottom lip. “Unless that pain is mixed with pleasure.”

He starts to move his hips again, pulling a gasp from me.

“Do you feel that?” He thrusts in again, this time giving me a bit more. “You feel the mix of pain and pleasure?”

The next thrust is deeper, and even though pain is the overwhelming sensation right now, he’s right, there is pleasure mixed in with it, right below the surface.
