Page 49 of Paved in Blood

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He smiles and drags his thumb along my skin. “If you think I’ve ever acted like this with other women, you’re very wrong, little sun. I talk to you, I want to know everything about you, I can’t keep my damn hands off you, and I’ll kill anyone who dares to touch you.”

His lips ghost over mine as I wrap my arms around him.

“I love you, solnishka. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved, and you’re the only woman I will ever love. End of story, baby.”

“I love you too,” I whisper against his lips. My hands slide under his shirt, and when I drag my nails lightly along his abs, he lets out a sexy groan. “Time to make good on that promise, Roman.”

He smiles and starts to unbutton his shirt. I watch him, mesmerized by the sight of his tattooed chest slowly being revealed to me, and when the shirt falls to the floor, I close the distance and run my tongue along his pec. He groans and cups the back of my head while his other hand slides down my back and grabs one of my ass cheeks. When my teeth graze his skin, he squeezes me harder and moans my name.

I don’t want to rush a second of this. I want to memorize every detail of our first time, of my first time, so I can replay it again and again for the rest of my life. I had almost gotten to the point where I’d resigned myself to the fact that I was either going to die a virgin, or I was just going to have to lose it in a random one-night stand, because I’ve never met anyone who I wanted to be with. They were either suck-ups who were just trying to get close to my dad, or perverts who were into the same sick shit he’s into. Roman is neither of those, and I know how damn lucky I am to have found him.

Dragging my nails down his chest and abs, I start to unbutton his jeans for the second time tonight, and when I pull them off with his boxer briefs and see how hard he is for me, I can’t help but be impressed.

“I thought it might take you a while,” I say. “You know, because of what we just did.”

He smiles at my blushing cheeks. “You mean because I just came in your mouth?”

He laughs when my face grows redder.

“You’re so damn sweet, baby. It’s hard to believe that this sweet, blushing woman in front of me is the same one that just willingly choked on my cock. It drives me crazy to know what a little wild thing you are in private. You may turn bright red when I say something filthy, but even as you’re blushing, your pussy is soaking your panties.”

To prove his point he yanks my shorts down and slides his hand into my bikini bottoms, cupping my pussy as he slides a finger in.

“Fucking soaked,” he groans while fingering me in a slow rhythm that has my eyes rolling back in my head. “Soaked and so fucking tight.”

When he slides another finger in, my body tenses as I grab onto his shoulders for support.

“We need to get you ready, solnishka, because right now, you’re way too goddamn tight to take my cock, and I don’t want to cause you any more pain than I have to.”

“Okay,” I say with a quick nod. My breaths are fast and shaky, and I’m beginning to have serious doubts that this is going to work. He sees the worry on my face and leans closer to kiss me.

“Just relax, baby. I know you think I won’t fit, but I will. We just need to get you ready for me.”

Keeping his two fingers buried in my pussy, he uses his other hand to slowly untie the strings at my hips. My bikini bottoms fall to the floor, and he lets out a groan when he puts enough distance between us to see between my legs.

“My god, solnishka, your little pussy is clamped down around me, so fucking beautiful.” He brings his eyes back to mine. “Take your shirt off.”

I hurry up and pull it over my head, leaving me in nothing but my bikini top. His free hand runs up my stomach and cups one of my tits. With a groan he guides me towards the bed, letting go of my breast long enough for him to wrap his arm around me and lift me onto the bed.

“Get on your knees, baby.”

I do what he says, each movement causing his fingers to move inside me, hitting new nerve endings and making me breathless. When I’m on my knees, he steps closer, and I smile at how this has put us at the perfect height. I cup the face that’s now equal with mine. His green eyes are dark with lust, and seeing that raw hunger has me clenching even tighter around his fingers.

“God, I can’t wait to feel you do that around my dick. You’re going to squeeze me so fucking good, aren’t you, little sun?”

“Yes,” I whisper, cupping the back of his head and fisting his hair when he starts to kiss his way down my neck.

I spread my knees wider, giving him better access as he starts to finger me faster while he nips and kisses my collarbone. Giving me one last soft bite, he drags his tongue along my skin until he gets to my bikini top. With a groan, he bites the edge of one triangle, keeping the fabric held tightly between his teeth as he pulls the triangle to the side, exposing my bare breast to him.

“Fuck,” I whimper when he looks up at me and runs his tongue over my painfully hard nipple. He captures it between his teeth, smiling when I gasp and rock my hips against his hand. He pulls the ties free at my neck and back and tosses the top aside as he opens his mouth and takes as much of me in as he can. He gorges on my flesh, sucking and filling his mouth until I’m arching back and rocking shamelessly against him. His tongue flicks my nipple, teasing me with each stroke and suck until I’m panting with a need that’s quickly consuming me.

He lets me go, kissing his way to my other tit. I fist his hair tighter, grinding against his hand, and when he slides a third finger in and gives my nipple a bite while he flicks my clit with his thumb, I scream his name and come so hard my vision darkens.

“Goddamn,” he growls against my breast, working me harder, sending another wave of pleasure all through me until I’m shaking and gasping and my ears are ringing. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him off me so I can kiss him, wanting to feel as close to him as I can. I kiss him hard, running my tongue along his before sucking it into my mouth. I claw at his back, wanting and needing him closer.

When he slides his fingers out and gently lays me down, I’m more than ready for him. He hovers his body over mine, looking down at me. His body is rigid, every part of him flexed and tense with the need to bury himself inside me, but he holds still, wanting to make sure I’m okay.

“I’m fine,” I tell him, cupping his face and pulling him closer so I can kiss the lips I’ll never be able to get enough of. I part them with my tongue, sliding in and threading my hands in his hair as I wrap my legs around him and rock my hips up. When I feel the head of his cock against my slit, I moan into his mouth and kiss him harder.
