Page 48 of Paved in Blood

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Reaching a hand down between my legs, he cups me in a possessive grip that makes me melt against him.

“Because once I slide into you, little sun, I’m never fucking leaving.”

“Can you be happy with just me?” I ask him. I’m scared of the answer, but I need to know with absolute certainty that he can be a one-woman man. “Are you going to get bored with me and find someone else?”

Keeping one hand gripping my pussy, he brings his other one up to cup my cheek. “I can be happier than I ever thought possible with you, little sun, and I don’t want anyone else. I’m not a man who trusts easily. Aside from my brothers, I don’t give parts of myself to others, but you’ve had all of me since the night I met you. You give me so much more than you realize. I feel at peace when I’m with you, like I’ve found something that I hadn’t even realized I was looking for.”

He gives me a soft kiss and brushes his thumb along my cheek. “I love you,” he says with a soft laugh. “I didn’t even think I was capable of loving someone. It’s not something I ever wanted or needed, but you knocked everything on its ass, baby, and now there’s no going back for me.”

“I love you too, Roman,” I whisper, resting my forehead against his. “And I’m trusting you to not break my heart.”

“Never, solnishka. Every part of me is yours, and that will never change. No other woman interests me. Being faithful to you is not going to be a problem for me. It kills me that your dad thinks I’m cheating on you. I hate disrespecting you like that, even if it’s not true.”

“My dad thinks you’re cheating on me?”

“David told him I was very attached to my blonde Russian pet.”

“Well, I’m not blonde, and I’m not Russian, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy being held in your lap, feeling like I was completely owned by you.”

“And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love having you in my lap and owning every goddamn part of you.” He cups my pussy tighter. “I’m not like those men, solnishka, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to have you kneel at my feet, eager and willing to do whatever I ask.”

When he sees my smile, he lets out another groan. “We need to go inside, baby. I need to make you mine, and I refuse to have your first time be in the goddamn car.”

“It was good enough for my first blowjob.”

He laughs and gives me another kiss. “I’m only human. I couldn’t resist, and Jesus Christ did it feel good.”

I smile and watch him tuck himself back in his pants before he gets out and walks around to open my door. Grabbing my bag, I take the hand he offers as we walk to the private elevator. He keeps me pressed tightly against him, teasing me with soft kisses against my neck. His cock is fully hard again and digging into my stomach when the doors open onto their penthouse.

“Good thing I made popcorn,” I hear Vitaly say with a laugh, “because this is one hell of a show.”

“Oh my god,” I groan, burying my head against the crook of Roman’s neck.

Roman says something in Russian that makes Vitaly laugh even harder, and my face turns redder when I hear the others join in. I peek around Roman’s arm and see his brothers lounging on the couch with pizza boxes and several bowls of popcorn. There’s an action movie playing on the big screen mounted on the wall. Apparently it’s a movie marathon.

With his arm securely around me, we walk into the living room. Roman says something to them in Russian, but all I can do is laugh when Vitaly wiggles his eyebrows at me before tossing more popcorn in his mouth.

“Want to join us?” Lev asks.

I notice the fresh bruises on his knuckles as Roman tells him no. Danil is partly watching the movie and partly doing god knows what on his laptop. Matvey is leaning back against a cushion with his hood pulled up again. I can’t tell if he’s actually watching the movie or just zoned out and staring off into space in the general direction of the screen.

Roman tightens his grip on me and starts to lead me away as Vitaly yells, “When you need to replenish your calories, you know where to find us.”

Lev laughs while my face heats up and Roman lets out a groan. We walk past the kitchen and into the hallway that’s designated as Roman’s living space. His part of the penthouse is bigger than my apartment, making it seem like he’s not sharing a home with four other men.

“I’m sorry about that,” he says, pulling me into his bedroom and shutting the door. “They’re not used to seeing a woman around here.”

“Yeah right. I’m guessing there’s a steady stream of women who come in and out of this place.”

Roman shakes his head. “We have a strict no-bringing-women-home rule.”

I look up at him, watching as he removes the gun he’s been wearing all day and sets it on the nightstand.

“You brought me home.”

He smiles and steps closer, cupping my face and tilting me up to him. “I did, solnishka, because you mean something to me. My brothers could tell that the second they saw me with you.”

“How could they tell?”
