Page 47 of Paved in Blood

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The corner of his mouth lifts up in a grin. He runs his thumb over my lips, pressing hard enough to part them and dip inside. When I immediately latch onto his thumb and give him a suck, he groans and presses his lips to mine, kissing me around his finger. It’s hard and hungry and filled with so many wicked promises, and I want it all.

“You think you want it rough, little sun, but you don’t know what you’re asking,” he growls against my lips. “I’m not going to slam into you and fuck you rough for your first time, baby. You may think you want that, but believe me when I say you don’t.”

He drags his teeth along my bottom lip and gives a soft laugh at the moan I give. “Now, your mouth on the other hand, that I can fuck as rough as I want, can’t I, solnishka?”

“Yes,” I whisper around his thumb.

“That’s my good girl.” He pinches my lip gently between his thumb and forefinger before meeting my eyes. “I want to see that pretty mouth wrapped around my cock, and I want to see it right fucking now.”

I give a quick nod, and as soon as he lets go of my lip, I lower my head. There’s enough light in the parking garage for me to see him clearly, and when my lips are hovering above his wet head, I start to doubt that this is possible.

I look up at him as he fists my hair. “It’ll be a miracle if I can take you in all the way. I just figured I should warn you. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“I could never be disappointed with anything you do.” He drags one finger along my cheek. “But I think you can take me, solnishka. I think this sweet mouth of yours was made for my cock.”

I lick my lips and nod before lowering my head again. This time when I take in his large size, I don’t back away. I stick my tongue out and run it over his thick head. When he hisses out a breath and fists my hair tighter, I take that as a good sign and lick the new bead of pre-cum that’s just formed. The salty taste of him fills my mouth, making me hungry for more.

Bracing my hands on his strong thighs, I run my tongue over him some more, wanting to taste every part of him. I lick up his length before giving his head a soft kiss. I keep licking and kissing, teasing him with my lips and tongue until his breaths are coming faster and he’s rocking his hips for more.

“Fucking hell,” he growls, and I smile at how thick his accent is. “You’re killing me, baby.”

“You like this?” I ask, giving the ridge of skin below his head a flick of my tongue.

“Fuck yes I do. Again,” he groans.

I give him what he wants and run my tongue over him again, licking and nibbling and kissing until his entire body is tense, and I know he’s barely hanging on.

“Solnishka, either you wrap that mouth around me, or you’re going to have a faceful of cum. The choice is yours, baby. I’m good either way.”

The thought of him shooting his seed all over my face has me clenching my thighs together and letting out a soft moan.

“Jesus Christ, you’re perfect,” he groans, watching my reaction to what he’s just said.

As much as I want to feel him let loose on me, I want to have him in my mouth. I want to prove to myself that I can do this, and I want to feel him come undone at my touch. I want to erase the memories of all the women who came before me, because I’m sure as fuck going to be the last.

Wrapping my lips around him, I give him a suck and then lower down. I don’t get far. My secret hope of being a natural deep-throater shatters when I take him in another inch and immediately gag. I let out a soft whimper as my eyes start to water.

“My sweet girl,” he moans, and he doesn’t sound the slightest bit disappointed. “I love that you’ve never done this before, I love that you’re letting me fuck the innocence right out of your mouth, and I love how goddamn good you feel sucking my cock.”

He fists my hair tight enough to hold me in place, letting me catch my breath before he rocks his hips and pushes me down, feeding me another inch. When I gag again, he brings one hand down to my neck, wrapping his fingers around my throat. He gives me a gentle squeeze when he feels my body start to rebel again. The tightness around my throat stops my gag reflex, and when I let out a surprised moan, he gives a soft laugh.

“Just giving you something else to think about, baby.”

Whatever the science behind it, it works. As he lowers me down, he keeps his fingers around my throat, tightening them whenever he feels me start to gag. My lips are stretched wide, feeling like they’re going to tear in the corners, and I’m almost to the point where I can’t breathe, but I don’t want to stop. I keep going, and soon my lips hit bottom, and I can’t breathe. I’m completely stuck with his giant cock lodged in my throat, and comfortable is the last word I would use to describe this, but it also feels so fucking amazing because I know it’s driving him wild. His breathing has picked up, his body is tense with the need to come, and judging by all the Russian filling the car, he’s forgotten his English. If that doesn’t make a girl feel proud, I don’t know what will.

With one hand still on my neck and the other fisting my hair, he pulls me up so I can suck in a quick breath. As soon as I fill my lungs, he thrusts his hips up, driving into my mouth again. Spit drips from my lips, puddling at the base of his cock as my fingers dig into his thighs. Wet sounds fill the car, mixing with his grunts and my moans, creating one hell of a filthy soundtrack that strengthens the ache in my pussy until my own hips are rocking and I’m desperate for a release.

“Good fucking girl,” he growls when I swipe my tongue over him and give his head a good suck before I’m pushed back down again. “I’m going to fill your sweet mouth, solnishka, and you’re going to swallow me down like a good girl.”

“Mm-hmm,” I moan as he picks up the pace, thrusting into me in a brutal rhythm that forces me to relax all my muscles so he can use me as he wants.

“I better not see you spill a single drop, little sun.” He groans and buries himself inside me right before I feel his cock pulse and grow even bigger. I’m convinced he’s going to split my damn lips, but the wet heat of him hits the back of my throat as he growls, “Fucking take it, baby. Every goddamn drop.”

I moan and swallow, pulling another deep groan from him as my throat constricts around him even tighter. He’s gasping for air by the time he’s empty, and as soon as he pulls me off him, he’s crashing my lips to his, kissing me like a starving man. He cups my head, groaning when he tastes himself on my tongue. My lips sting, my jaw aches, but I’ve never felt better.

“You drive me fucking crazy,” he groans against my lips.

When he pulls back, his eyes run over me, and there’s more than just need shining in those green eyes. “I’m never letting you go, solnishka.” He runs his thumb over my swollen lips. “I need to know that you feel the same way before I claim this pussy.”
