Page 46 of Paved in Blood

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“God, you’re way too good at reading me.”

I feel him smile against my cheek. “Don’t avoid the question. What’s wrong?”

I run my fingers over his, playing with them in a nervous fidgety way while I say, “I was just thinking about how much better this year’s party is than last year’s and that I hope it never goes back to the way it was.”

“It won’t.” His tone is strong, without even a hint of hesitation. “I’m not going anywhere, solnishka. Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go. You will never have to be around these bastards without me again.”

“Do you worry this is too fast?” I turn my head so I can see him, no longer caring about the fireworks above us.

“No. I’d be more worried if it took a long time. I felt something for you the first time I saw you. I thought you were beautiful, but there was something beyond that. I was intrigued, captivated by you, and I wanted to know more.”

He runs his fingers down my cheek, and the caress is so soft, so gentle, like he’s touching something precious, and it’s hard for me to believe that it’s because he’s touching me.

“I knew I was in trouble when I took you back to your apartment and then couldn’t leave. I had to know you were safe, but I also couldn’t stop watching you. I’m drawn to you, little sun, and I can’t look away.” He gives a soft laugh. “And then I saw you at that damn club, and that was it. I feel protective of you and possessive of you in a way that I hadn’t thought possible.”

“I feel the same way about you,” I admit. “Not that you haven’t already figured that out.”

He smiles and kisses my forehead. “I might have picked up on that.”

We lean back and watch the grand finale, and when it’s over and we feel the yacht start to move again, I let out a relieved breath and rest my head against his broad shoulder. All I can think about is getting back to his place. I’m nervous and more than a little scared after seeing how big Roman is, but I’m also so excited I can barely sit still.

When I start to squirm, he gives a soft laugh and runs his thumb along my hip, caressing the bare skin and dipping lower under the waistband of my shorts. Just that small touch is enough to send little shocks of pleasure all through me. Yeah, I’m in way over my head with him. At this point I’m not entirely convinced I’ll survive the night, but, god, what a way to go.

As soon as the yacht is berthed, I grab my bag and Roman’s hand and yell a quick bye to my parents before stepping off the boat and taking him with me. He laughs at my excitement but doesn’t try to stop me. He’s just as anxious as I am; he’s just hiding it much better. I smile up at him when he opens the passenger-side door for me, and as soon as he’s in the driver’s side, I’m snaking my hand up his thigh.

He laughs and gives me a wink that makes my heart feel like it’s tripping over itself. While he drives us to his place, I keep exploring. He grows bigger beneath my hand, straining against his jeans, like a fucking monster nestled against his inner thigh. When I gently give his head a pinch and massage him with my thumb, he groans something in Russian that sounds sexy as hell.

Feeling bold, I lean over and unbutton his jeans. When I pull his zipper down, he stops at a red light and grabs my hand.

“Careful, solnishka. I’m barely hanging on as it is.”

“I want to feel you.”

He looks at me, and when I say, “Please,” he groans and lifts his hips as he frees his cock. The windows are tinted, so no one else can see the amazing view I’m getting. He’s fully hard, jutting out of his pants like the perfect invitation, begging me to straddle him. My pussy clenches at the mere fantasy of feeling him spread me wide as I slowly lower myself onto him.

When the light turns green, he shifts into first gear as my fingers run along his shaft.

“Fucking hell,” he groans.

Pre-cum coats him, making it easy for me to wrap my fingers around him, or try to anyway. He’s too thick for me to get all the way around, but when I start to run my hand up his length, he growls my name in warning.

“If you didn’t have to shift, I’d already have you in my mouth,” I tell him.

There’s not enough room for me to do what I want, so I stick with using my hand. I run my fingers over his thick head, dragging my thumb over his slit. He hisses out a breath and drives faster.

“You’re fucking killing me, baby,” he growls, passing a car that’s not going fast enough for his liking.

He lets out a sigh of relief when he pulls into his building's underground parking. As soon as he’s parked in his reserved space, he’s sliding his seat back and fisting my hair. Bringing my face to his, he groans and runs his tongue over my bottom lip. The feral look in his eyes lets me know that I’ve pushed him to the damn edge. His body is tense, every part of him radiating how badly he wants to tear into me. I fucking love it.

Leaning closer, I nip at his top lip and smile.

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t fucking test me.”

“Maybe I want to,” I whisper, running my finger over his slit again. I keep my eyes locked on his as I bring my wet finger to my lips and suck the taste of him from my skin.

“I’m trying so hard to be gentle with you solnishka, but when you do things like that, you make it so goddamn hard.”

“Maybe I don’t want it gentle.”
