Page 45 of Paved in Blood

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He gives a soft laugh and runs his thumb over my lips. “I can’t wait to feel your tight pussy wrapped around my cock.”

My lips part with a gasp, and as soon as they do, he slides his thumb in. When I run my tongue over him and suck him further in, he lets out a groan and steps closer, turning me slightly when another couple walks by so they can’t see what we’re doing.

“Is that what you’re going to do to my cock, baby?”

“Mm-hmm,” I moan, sucking him even harder.

“Fucking hell,” he growls. “You going to take all of me like a good girl?”


He gives me a sexy, wicked grin. “I don’t know, solnishka. You sure you can handle all of me in this sweet mouth of yours?”

I let my teeth drag lightly along his skin as I nod my head.

“I can’t wait to find out everything you like.” He circles his thumb, running it along my mouth before he clamps down, holding my bottom jaw in a tight grip as he pulls me closer. When a soft moan escapes, he gives me a smirk that sends my heart racing as my pussy grows embarrassingly wet.

He holds me in place as his green eyes lock on mine. “I think you’re going to be an amazing surprise, baby. I think my sweet solnishka might like things a bit rough.”

I have no idea what I like, so I don’t say anything. I just run my tongue over the thumb that’s still clamped onto me, moaning when he strokes my cheek with his other hand.

“I’m going to find out everything that makes you scream. I’m going to ruin you, Emily, ruin you for everyone but me.”

I nod my head as best I can, wanting him to know that I’m down for everything he just said. I want it all. I want him to do filthy things to me. I want him to make me scream his name until I’m hoarse, and I want him to ruin me, because the truth is I’m already ruined for everyone but him. I could never go back to some regular guy, not after knowing what it’s like to be with someone like Roman.

He releases his grip on me and slides his thumb out. “Let’s get you something to eat, baby, and as soon as the fireworks are over, I’m taking you home.”

Home. I like the sound of that more than I should. Not wanting to completely freak him out, I try to play it cool and give a soft nod while saying, “Sounds good.”

He laughs and kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re terrible at hiding your feelings.” He brushes his lips along mine. “I like the sound of it too.”

I widen my eyes at him, because he’s either a mind reader, or I really am terrible at hiding my emotions. He just laughs and kisses me again before leading me over to the table of food that’s been set up. We each make a hamburger and then find an empty lounge chair. He sits and then pulls me down, sitting me between his strong thighs.

We eat and watch everyone get steadily drunker with each passing minute. My mom saunters by, and I can tell by her unsteady gait that she’s going to be regretting all her island drinks tomorrow. Connor walks past us, ignoring us completely, before taking a seat next to Chelsea. She smiles over at him and then crawls into his lap, giving us all a view of her barely covered ass. I look over in enough time to see my dad staring. He doesn’t look away until she’s fully turned around. There are so many things I wish I didn’t know about the man who helped create me.

Roman kisses my temple and sets our empty plates aside. “Come on, little sun, almost time for the fireworks.”

He wraps his arms around my stomach and keeps my back pressed against his chest when my dad dims the lights on the yacht so we can see the sky better. The warm breeze coming off the water blows the loose strands of my hair around, and as I tip my head back to look at the vibrant stars, Roman dips his head and kisses my neck.

“How does every part of you taste so damn good?”

“Well you’re not the only one who has a massive sweet tooth. I probably sweat sugar, which would explain why you like it so much,” I tease him.

He laughs and nips at my skin. “No, it’s just you, solnishka. So fucking tasty. I could eat you for hours.” He runs his tongue along the crook of my neck. “And maybe I will. Maybe I’ll tie you to my bed and eat your sweet pussy until the sun comes up.”

“Damn,” I whisper. “Don’t forget you promised to fuck me.”

“I could slide into you right as the sun’s rising. I wouldn’t be breaking my promise then.”

“So not fair,” I whisper when he nips my skin again.

His deep chuckle vibrates against my back, pulling another moan from me. God, everything about this man drives me crazy. No one should be allowed to be this sexy. It’s too much power for one person to wield.

When the fireworks start, we both look up, watching the colorful explosions that light up the night sky. Roman twines his fingers through mine, wrapping me in a tighter hug. I turn to give him a quick kiss before another loud crack turns my attention back to the sky.

I smile and laugh and watch the most beautiful display of fireworks while being held by the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. It’s such a vast improvement from last year’s show that I watched alone from one of the cabins because I was hiding from everyone. My life has taken a dizzying turn for the better, but I’m not about to complain. I just hope it doesn’t change back again. Before I didn’t know what I was missing, but now, god, losing him would kill me.

He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “What’s wrong, baby?”
