Page 41 of Paved in Blood

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“This is how I always want you. I like you filthy, sweetheart, and I love it when your pussy weeps for me.”

I gently spread her open, making her pink pussy bloom for me, and the whimper she gives has me so hard I can barely think. Keeping my eyes on her, I lean closer, letting her feel the heat of my breath against her sensitive skin.

“I’m going to eat your pussy, baby, and you’re going to come all over my face like a good girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes, god yes,” she moans, already rocking her hips, desperate for the feel of my tongue.

“Better keep that pretty mouth shut unless you want everyone on the yacht to know what we’re doing.”

She clamps her mouth shut, and I smile, knowing it’s going to take a miracle to get her to be quiet while she comes. My girl’s a bit of a screamer, not that I care. Let the whole fucking world know I’m making her come and that I’m the only one who ever will.

The scent of her is driving me wild, and when I stick my tongue out, slowly licking her wet slit, she moans even louder and brings one hand to my head and fists my hair. When I circle her clit, she gasps and hikes a thigh over my shoulder as she rocks her hips for me.

“You are a hungry little thing, aren’t you, baby?” I whisper before giving her another teasing lick.

“Can you blame me? I have the most beautiful man on the planet kneeling between my legs, dying to make me come with his tongue. I’m surprised I can still form words.”

I laugh and flick her clit. “You won’t be able to for long.”

I keep watching her face as I lick and suck on her clit, breaking away right before she comes so I can kiss my way down her slit. Parting her smooth lips with my tongue, I slide in, filling my mouth with the sweet taste of her. God, I’ll never be able to get enough. Her eyes are heavy-lidded, her mouth parted on a whimpering gasp, and when she meets my eyes, she doesn’t look away. She gives me this gift, letting me see her at her most vulnerable, and when I slide my tongue out and wrap my lips around her clit, giving her a suck that pushes her over the edge, she bites her lip and widens her eyes in surprise.

My tongue keeps working her, keeping her orgasm going, as her not-so-soft moans fill the bathroom. When she starts to come down, I gently rim her clit, circling her sensitive nerve endings as her body shakes and her breaths come in sexy, ragged pants. The knock at the door has her cheeks turning even redder as she shoots me a guilty look. I’d laugh if I wasn’t so busy tonguing her clit.

“Are you almost done?”

“Of course it would be fucking Chelsea,” Emily whisper shouts at me, but it turns into another moan when I give her a soft suck.

“Hello?” Chelsea says in an annoyed voice.

“Just a minute,” Emily yells in a shaky voice.

I give her a wink and slide a finger into her drenched pussy while I kiss and lick her swollen clit.

“Fucking hell,” she moans, rocking her hips as best she can while her heel digs into my back.

Her pussy clenches around my finger, sucking me further in until I’m convinced I’m about two seconds away from busting a goddamn nut in my pants and experiencing the most embarrassing moment of my life. With a growl, I suck her clit harder, pushing her over the edge again while using every ounce of willpower I possess to not join her. She moans my name, and there’s no way in hell it isn’t loud enough for Chelsea to hear and whoever else may be standing nearby.

I gentle my movements, letting her come down as her body shakes and she gasps for air. There’s a sexy red flush traveling up her chest and neck, and when her brown eyes meet mine, she whispers, “I was quiet, right?”

I laugh and slide my finger out before licking and kissing her clean. The last thing I do is suck my finger, moaning at how fucking good she tastes. When I’m satisfied, I look at her and laugh.

“No, baby, you were not quiet.”

Her eyes widen as her cheeks darken. “You think she heard me?”

“I think she heard you moan my name, yes, and then moan some more.”

I laugh at the cute, embarrassed look on her face. Giving her pussy one last kiss, I tie her bikini bottoms back on and then kiss my way up her red chest while I cup her perfect tits in my hands.

“You came so good for me, baby,” I whisper against her skin, pulling one of the triangles aside so I can kiss her nipple. “So fucking good.”

I give her a good suck, filling my mouth with her tit before finally letting her go with a groan.

“It’s impossible for me to keep my mouth off you, solnishka.”

She cups my face and pulls me closer. “Tonight, you’re taking me to your bed, and you’re fucking me, Roman.”

I smile when she wraps her legs around me and pulls me tighter against her.
