Page 40 of Paved in Blood

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When someone hollers his name, he gives them a wave and then looks back at me. “I’d like to talk to you later about something.”

“Sure thing, Chris. I’ll be around.”

He studies my face, and whatever the hell he’s looking for, he’s not going to find it. I’ve had years of practice perfecting this mask I wear. He won’t see anything unless I want him to. He’s the first to look away, and when he does, I kiss the top of Emily’s head, wishing I could take her far away from this life and all the people in it.

“Do you think he knows?” she whispers.

“I think David told him I stopped by the club, but he doesn’t know anything that I don’t want him to know. David will have told him that I was there, that I had a beautiful pet in my lap, that I used the back room to fuck my pet in, and that I hinted at the fact that I like to buy women and sometimes I break them.”

“Do they really think of me as your pet?”

“Yes, and I want them to. Men who keep women as pets tend to be very protective and possessive of them. If I’d just played you off as some woman I was fucking, then it would’ve been expected that you’d be passed around.”

“You know a lot about this lifestyle,” she mutters with a sigh.

“Far more than I’d like to, solnishka. The only way to beat the enemy is to know them and understand them. When I tear this down, I’m starting at the roots. I don’t want them to hurt. I want an entire collapse of everything they love. I want to ruin them in a way they’ll never recover from.”

She hears the anger in my voice, the rage that I try so hard to keep tamped down. I feel her body shudder before she whispers, “Damn, I hope you never get angry with me.”

I cup her face, not caring that we’re standing in the middle of a bunch of people, not giving a fuck about anything except the woman I’ve already fallen so damn hard for.

“I would never hurt you in any way, solnishka. You have nothing to fear from me. I’d rather die than cause you pain.”

She grips my wrists and smiles up at me. “I’m liking you more than I probably should, Roman Melnikov.”

I smile and nip her bottom lip. “Good.”

She laughs, and when we turn back to face the others, it’s obvious they’ve all been staring. Some are more obvious than others, especially the Strickland siblings, who are openly glaring at Emily. I cup the back of her head and pull her against me again, shooting them a look that has them quickly averting their eyes.

We spend the next couple of hours in mind-numbing smalltalk. Emily drinks something with a little umbrella in it, and then gives me a sweet smile when I make her drink two bottles of water and eat a plate of appetizers to temper the alcohol so she doesn’t get sick.

When I see how red her face and arms are getting in the sun, I look to the pool that’s at the back of the yacht and mainly in shade now. It’s empty since most everyone is up here getting drunk, so I say, “Why don’t you cool off for a bit?”

She looks at the pool, and I can tell she wants to, but she hesitates.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m just wishing I’d worn a different bathing suit.”

I smile and hook a finger under the white string at the base of her neck. “Which one are you wearing?”

“A bikini, not quite on the level of Chelsea and Abigail’s, but more revealing than anything I’d usually wear.” Her face turns even redder when she admits, “I thought you might like it, but now I just feel like an idiot.”

“I will love it, even though it will kill me to see other men looking at you while you’re wearing it.”

“I don’t have to swim,” she quickly says.

“You need to cool off,” I tell her. “I can control my caveman ways long enough for you to take a swim.”

She smiles when I follow her inside. Looking back over her shoulder, she gives me a playful wink before stepping into the large bathroom. I laugh when she shuts the door in my face and then lean against the doorframe because no way in fuck am I missing this. When she opens the door, I take one look at her in that tiny, white bikini and step closer, wrapping my arm around her lower back and forcing her back inside, kicking the door shut behind me.

The bathroom is just as opulent as the rest of the yacht. There’s a large window above the sprawling garden tub, a shower that could easily fit three people, and a long counter that’s the exact height I need it to be. She lets out a quick yelp when I grab her hips and sit her on it.

“You look fucking amazing.” I step back and run my eyes over her again, groaning when I see her nipples pebble and press against the thin triangles of her bikini top. Gripping her thighs, I spread them open, hissing out a breath when I see the thin scrap of fabric between her legs. I meet her brown eyes, seeing the hunger and need in them. “I thought I could wait, but I can’t. I need to taste you, solnishka. Right fucking now.”

She moans and rests the palms of her hands on the counter behind her when I kneel down and spread her thighs wider. I kiss a path up her leg while I hook my fingers under the strings tied at her hips and slowly tug them free. When the bikini bottoms fall free, revealing her smooth, wet pussy, everything goes still inside my head. There’s no more worrying and stressing, and the anger that I’m so used to is gone. There’s just my solnishka, shining so fucking brightly in front of me and making everything else disappear.

“So goddamn beautiful,” I murmur against her inner thigh, giving her soft skin a bite that has her arching back on a moan. Bringing my hands to her pussy, I graze the backs of my fingers along her slit, smiling at how sloppy wet she is.
