Page 42 of Paved in Blood

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“Promise me,” she begs.

I smile bigger and undo her ponytail so I can run my hands through her hair. “I promise I’ll fuck you tonight, my little sun.”

She fucking beams at me, and that smile, that’s what’s going to be the end of me.

“I’m falling so hard for you, baby,” I tell her, nipping at her bottom lip. “So fucking hard.”

I kiss her slowly, ignoring Chelsea when she starts banging on the door again. Emily sucks my tongue, moaning when she tastes herself on me, and when we finally part, I want nothing more than to close the distance again.

“I really don’t like that woman,” I say when Chelsea gives another loud bang on the door.

Emily laughs and kisses me before readjusting her bikini top so everything is covered up again while I adjust my cock so it’s not quite so obvious how hard I am right now. I pick her up and set her down next to me, giving her one last kiss and then opening the door to a very angry Chelsea. She runs her eyes over us, taking in Emily’s flushed appearance and my grin. I see the anger flash in her eyes, but she bites back whatever insult she was going to throw at us and mutters an “About damn time,” before storming in and slamming the door in our faces.

“I think someone is a little jealous,” Emily whispers.

“What woman wouldn’t be jealous of you, solnishka? You’re breathtaking.”

She laughs and wraps an arm around my waist. “I’m pretty sure the jealous part is all because of you.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Whatever you say, baby.”

Walking towards the pool, I’m relieved to see it’s still empty. I was telling the truth about being able to control myself, at least for a little while. I’m not entirely sure how long it will last, though. I watch her perfect round ass in that white bikini, knowing it probably won’t last long.

She looks back and gives me a smile before stepping into the pool. When the water is up to her neck, she gives me a little cutesy wave and then kicks her feet up so she’s floating on her back. My eyes run over her, drinking in the sight of her wet body, and when I hear someone call my name, it takes a few seconds before I can pull my gaze away. Looking up, I see her dad waving for me to join him. I look back at Emily.

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine,” she says, still floating on the water. “Everyone’s up there getting drunk, and the sun will be setting soon anyway, so they’ll start grilling.”

“I’ll be right up there,” I say, pointing to where her dad is still waiting. “Holler if you need me.”

She gives me that sweet smile that I’ll never get tired of seeing. “I will,” she promises.

I watch her for a few more seconds before going up to join her dad. He’s the last person I want to talk to, but there’s no way around it. As soon as I’m close enough, he hands me a drink. I stare at the small glass of straight vodka. He’s either been watching me and knows what I like, or he’s just playing into the Russian stereotype. Either way, I’m not touching it because I didn’t see him pour it, and paranoia is the only way to stay alive in this business.

Holding the drink, I look at him and ask, “So what did you want to speak with me about?”

Chris grins and takes a drink of his whiskey. “David told me three Russians came into a certain club a few nights ago, and that one of them was named Roman.”

I give a soft laugh and shrug my shoulders in a you caught me kind of way. “I may have thrown your name around a bit to get in, but can you blame me? It’s a nice club, exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

“How did you find the place, and how did you know my name would work?” He asks the question in a casual way, but I know he’s curious and more than a little suspicious.

I lean against the railing and watch Emily. “Friend of a friend, you could say.”

“That’s all you’re going to give me?”

I glance over at him. “That’s all. He’s discreet and trustworthy. You don’t need to worry about that.”

Chris gives a soft laugh. “David said you had a pretty blonde Russian pet that you wore out pretty good in one of the back rooms.”

I repeat the same line I gave David. “I can be a bit aggressive at times.” After a second, I add, “She’s been trained to take it.”

“It’s too bad I can’t show my face in that club. She sounds like someone who’s worth seeing.”

I keep my eyes on Emily, hating the fact that I’ve gotten her mixed up in this. “I made it very clear to David that I don’t share.”

Chris laughs again. “I just said I wanted a look.” He follows my gaze and watches his daughter float in the pool below us. “So what are your plans with my daughter? She’s ignorant of this part of my life, and it needs to stay that way.”

“Why would I tell her?” I turn to meet his brown eyes, noticing that they’re several shades darker than Emily’s. “What I do on the side is of no concern to Emily. In fact, it keeps her safe.”
