Page 39 of Paved in Blood

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As if on cue, we feel the yacht move as we slowly make our way out of the harbor. I laugh and cup her face. “There’s always an escape. I can just shoot them all and steer us back to shore. No biggie.”

She raises a brow at me and runs her hands under my shirt. Her lips part on a soft gasp when she feels my gun.

“Good to know,” she says, “but don’t start shooting just yet. Let’s at least give them a chance to be decent.”

“Deal,” I tell her and then close the distance, pressing my lips to hers. She lets out a soft moan and digs her fingers into my back, wanting me closer. I have one arm wrapped around her, the other cupping the back of her head and my tongue in her mouth when I hear someone give a very feminine, very fake-sounding laugh. I let out an irritated groan and swipe my tongue along hers one more time before I pull back to see who the fuck interrupted us.

“Well, what have we here?”

I eye the woman in nothing but a skimpy bikini, wishing she’d leave so I can go back to kissing Emily. Her tits have obviously been enhanced, and when she gives me a big, bubbly laugh, she makes sure they bounce for my enjoyment. I give her a hard stare that cuts her laugh off as I turn back to Emily, who’s looking about as thrilled as I am.

“Hi, Chelsea,” Emily says, and the tone she’s using says it all.

“Who is this?” Chelsea asks, eyeing me from top to bottom.

“This is Roman,” Emily says.

I quickly add, “Her boyfriend.”

I see the huge grin Emily tries to tamp down, but I wish she wouldn’t because it’s fucking gorgeous.

Chelsea’s mouth drops open. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously. I was surprised someone as amazing as Emily wanted to date me, too, but here we are.” I lean down and kiss her again. “She’s far too good for me.”

“Yeah, that’s not quite what I meant,” Chelsea mutters, and I ignore her as she waves her sister over.

Her sister is dressed in a similar tiny bikini, but she’s kept her dark-blonde hair down instead of in a ponytail like Chelsea. Both are spilling out of their bikini tops, and I have no doubt that if I tossed them overboard, they could float safely back to shore.

“Abigail, this is Roman.” Chelsea hesitates and then says in an exaggerated, astonished tone, “Emily’s boyfriend.”

“Holy shit,” Abigail mutters before giving me a big smile. “Do you have any brothers?”

“Four,” I tell her.

“Can I meet them?” she asks with a flirty laugh.

“I don’t think so.” Without giving an explanation, I keep Emily close to me and lead her around the two stunned women.

“Holy shit,” Emily whispers with a laugh. “I wish I could’ve filmed that. I’m usually all for being kind to people, but those two are pure evil.”

“Those two are predictable and pathetic,” I tell her. “I’ve met a million women like them, and they’re all the same.”

When we step out onto the deck where everyone else is mingling, the sharp breeze makes Emily’s dark strands blow around. She laughs and pulls a twisty out of her pocket before pulling her hair up into a messy ponytail. How anyone can make that look so goddamn sexy, I’ll never know, but she pulls it off effortlessly. I reach up and brush a strand of wayward hair behind her ear, letting my fingers drag along her neck until I catch sight of the strings tied at the base of her neck. I hook a finger underneath the unmistakable ties of a bathing suit and raise an eyebrow at her.

“What are you hiding from me, solnishka?”

She blushes, but before she can answer, her dad walks over and smacks me on the shoulder. I barely resist grabbing his wrist and breaking it for daring to touch me. I hate playing nice with bastards like him, but I force a smile on my face and hold out my hand to him.

“Good to see you again, Chris.”

He smiles and takes my hand in a quick shake that he’s perfected over the years to last just the right amount of time with just the right amount of pressure, not too delicate, but not so strong that it could be construed as aggressive.

“I’m glad you could make it, Roman.”

The corner of his mouth lifts up in a grin as he takes in the sight of me with my arm wrapped snuggly around his daughter.

“Of course it’s obvious you didn’t come here just to get to know me better.” The laugh he gives is as fake as everything else.
