Page 38 of Paved in Blood

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“I think the right thing would’ve been to make me come with your mouth.”

I glance over at her and give her a wink. “I’ll remember that, solnishka.”

“Please do. Thank you for my flowers, by the way. They’re gorgeous and made my room smell amazing.”

I’m still smiling when I pull into the marina and park next to someone’s Cadillac. God, the money sitting in this place. Danil’s been syphoning us money since we were teenagers, but I’m not sure anyone who grew up poor ever really gets used to it. It’s always a little bit unsettling to see so much wealth and to see how wasteful and unappreciative so many rich people are, especially when I can still vividly remember what it felt like to go hungry and to wear shoes until they literally fell apart.

“There’s the beast,” Emily says, pointing to a large, two-level yacht that’s berthed at the end.

“I thought you were pointing out your mother for a second.”

She laughs and grabs her bag from the back. “I’m really sorry for whatever they put you through today.”

“I can handle your parents.” I cup her face and run my thumb over her lips. “I’ll happily put up with them if it means I get to spend the day with you.”

“Don’t forget others will be there, including Connor.”

“Let me worry about him, solnishka.”

She smiles when I give her a quick kiss before opening the car door. She doesn’t wait for me to walk around and open hers. I’m guessing it never even occurred to her that I would. She’s not used to being spoiled and taken care of, but she’ll learn soon enough that I plan on treating her like the queen she is.

With our hands interlaced, we walk down the dock, slowly approaching the yacht that’s appropriately named Siren’s Song. Like the beautiful sirens who would lure men to their deaths, this gorgeous boat is hiding all sorts of evil. I tighten my hold on Emily and help her onto the boat before following behind her.

Several people are already drinking on the second level. I spot the congressmen I met the other night as well as several women that I’m assuming are their wives and daughters. There’s a smallish pool in front of us with lounge chairs and then a line of seats that are tucked under the shade of the upper level. This must’ve cost the mayor a small fortune, way more than his salary should be able to cover. Selling women pays well, and he’s clearly enjoying the profits. I’m guessing the boat isn’t listed under his name. Whoever does his taxes must be worth his weight in gold.

“There you are,” Angela says, walking over to us with an exaggerated hip wiggle. She’s wearing a sundress with oversized sunglasses, but even with her eyes covered, I can feel the stare she’s giving me, and I can’t say I care for it. There’s something desperate and pathetic about Emily’s mom. She’s a woman who’s always sharpening her claws while trying to think up new ways to stick them in the men around her. She’s trapped in a miserable marriage and hates her husband, so she has her own fun on the side. I’m guessing there’s a long line of broken young men behind her. I think part of her sees me as the newest challenge. She’s in for a rude awakening.

“How nice of you to finally show up,” she says, keeping her head angled towards Emily.

I make a show of checking my watch. “We’re right on time, Angela.”

She huffs out a breath and takes a long suck on the straw sticking out of her island-inspired cocktail. “Whatever,” she mumbles. “Don’t forget to mingle, Emily. Chelsea and Abigail are here.”

Emily groans. “I was hoping they wouldn’t show. They never come out for the Fourth.”

Angela tilts her head to me. “I think they heard that a new mysterious and attractive man would be here.”

“Oh my god, you told them about Roman? Why would you do that, Mom?” Emily looks up at me, biting her lower lip. “They’re going to be all over him.”

Angela laughs and starts to walk away. “Men have eyes, Emily, and they’re going to look. Better get used to it.”

“What the fuck is she talking about?” I ask, turning Emily so she’s facing me.

“Congressman Strickland’s daughters are here. Chelsea and Abigail make my mom look like a saint. They’re part of the reason why I avoid all these stupid social functions, but they never come out for the Fourth, so I thought we’d be safe.”

I cup her face and tilt her up so I can see her better. “Your mom is wrong, solnishka. A lot of men look, but there’s a lot that don’t ever feel the need to because what they want is already standing right in front of them.”

She turns her face and kisses the palm of my hand. “Thanks, Roman. It’s hard to believe that there are men out there who aren’t like the ones I’ve always known, but you’re nothing like them.”

“I’m far worse in many ways, baby, but I would never disrespect you by staring at another woman. You’re the only person I want to watch.” I kiss her forehead and pull her next to me. “Okay, let’s go mingle with some assholes.”

She laughs and wraps her arm around my waist as we take the stairs to the top deck. Emily leads me inside, ignoring the people around us, not stopping until she hits a cabinet by the galley kitchen. She grabs a bottle of vodka and two glasses.

“I need a drink before I face them all,” she admits with a cute grin.

I take the drink she pours and toss it back, before taking both our glasses and setting them aside. “We’ve got all day, baby, and the last thing you want is to drink too much in this heat.” I thread my fingers through hers and pull her closer. “Come on, we’ll face them together. You don’t need liquid courage, you have me, and I’m not leaving your side.”

“We’re going to be out on the water soon, though,” she says. “That means there’s no escape.”
