Page 37 of Paved in Blood

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I couldn’t resist checking on you to make sure you were okay. You look so beautiful when you sleep, solnishka. I could watch you for hours. Would it bother you if I said I did? Being near you brings me a peace that I’ve come to crave, just like the taste of your pussy. I wanted so badly to part your thighs and bury my head between your legs, but you were in such a deep sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you.

Text me when you’re up.


I read his letter several times and then bury my head in the flowers, breathing in their sweet scent. I can’t believe he came in last night and watched me sleep, possibly for hours. That should probably freak me out, but instead I just keep smiling as I grab my phone to let him know I’m awake.

While I wait for his response, I walk into my closet, eyeing the bikini Nicole convinced me to buy last year that I’ve yet to work up the courage to actually wear. I gave her the be-brave pep talk yesterday, so it’s only fair that I take my own advice. I hold up the white bikini that makes the dress I wore to the Red Viper look chaste and laugh. God, Roman’s going to have a fit when he sees this.

Chapter 7


I tell Emily I’m on my way, and by the time I pull up to the curb, she’s already running out and getting in the passenger seat. She’s wearing white shorts, a cute red top, and her usual sweet smile. Tossing her tote bag in the back, she leans closer and kisses me hello. As soon as her lips hit mine, I cup the back of her head and draw her closer. I hadn’t gotten near enough sleep last night because I spent most of it watching her and thinking about how badly I wanted to taste her. She makes it impossible to think about anything else.

Her tongue runs along mine, pulling a groan from me as my cock hardens and I seriously think about telling her parents to fuck off so we can spend the day in bed. I’ve just about convinced myself that it’s the only real option when Emily’s phone starts ringing. She groans in frustration, pulling back from me reluctantly so she can dig for her phone.

She rolls her eyes at me as she answers. “Hi, Mom.”

I try not to laugh as she lets out another sigh and runs her eyes over the obvious dick print I’ve got going on.

“Yes, I know. We’re on our way.”

She starts to reach for the large bulge running down my inner thigh when she lets out a huff of air and says, “What the hell, Mom?” Another pause and then, “Whatever, we’re on our way,” right before she hangs up.

I study her face, hating how upset her mom can make her. “Cunt mode fully activated, I see.”

“You have no idea.”

“What did she say?”

“You don’t even want to know.”

“Please tell me. I’d like to know what I’m getting myself into today.”

Emily shoves her phone back in her bag. “She reminded me that Connor will be there and that just because I’m showing up with you doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have a little fun because it’ll be the only time in my life where two men show an interest in me.”

“What a bitch,” I growl out, already feeling my mood start to sour. I hook a finger under her chin, tilting her face up to mine. “How the hell did you turn out so sweet?”

“I’m not that sweet. I just look extra good compared to them,” she says, giving me a small smile.

“You’re very sweet all on your own, Emily. I don’t know how in the hell those two created something as perfect as you.”

Her smile grows as she leans closer, gently brushing her lips over mine. “I think you’re pretty amazing, too, and very sweet.”

I laugh because sweet is the last word anyone would ever use to describe me. If she had any idea how many men I’ve killed, she’d probably run screaming from my car. She gives me a soft kiss before pulling back, laughing at the frustrated look I give her.

“We’d better not be too late,” she reminds me. “My mom’s horns will sprout, and she really hates it when that happens.”

I laugh and pull out of the parking lot, heading to the marina and what will most likely be a day of pure torture in more ways than one. My eyes keep straying to her bare, tan legs, and I wonder how long I’m going to be able to hold out. I don’t want to rush her, but goddamn do I want to bury myself inside her.

“You look really good, by the way,” she says, making me laugh when I look over and see the hungry look in her eyes. I’m just wearing jeans and a long-sleeve, grey linen shirt to keep my tattoos covered and because I refuse to leave my gun at home, but she’s looking at me like I’m the sexiest thing she’s ever seen. It’s not uncommon for women to eye fuck me, but seeing Emily do it drives me fucking crazy.

I grab her hand and kiss it before setting it on my thigh so I can shit gears. “Behave yourself today. I used all my willpower not waking you up last night.”

“I wish you would have.”

“Fuck, don’t say that. I was trying to do the right thing.”
