Page 36 of Paved in Blood

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She gives me a thumbs up, and I’m still smiling when I reach the table to take my first order of the day. As usual, the place is packed for the lunch rush, but it makes the time pass and helps me to focus on something other than Roman and how damn good it had felt waking up in his bed with his arms wrapped around me, not to mention the mind-blowing orgasms he’d given me.

By the time seven rolls around, my feet are achy but my apron is stuffed with tips. I tell Nicole bye and then turn my eyes to Justin, who’s just showed up for his shift.

“Go get ‘em, tiger,” I tell her, laughing when she rolls her eyes at me.

When I step outside, I pull my phone out to call an Uber when I hear someone call my name. The last thing I’m expecting is to see Matvey waving me over from the black Camaro he’s sitting in. I’d forgotten that Roman said someone would be waiting for me. I walk over and get in the passenger seat.

“Thanks, Matvey.” I put on my seatbelt and add, “I hope this wasn’t an inconvenience or anything. I can just get an Uber if it’s easier.”

“How could it be easier? I’m already here.” His voice is deep and gravely, but he doesn’t sound upset.

“True,” I say, feeling like an idiot. Matvey’s the least friendliest of the five, and it’s hard to feel completely at ease around him. He’s not unfriendly; he’s just not as laid-back and open as the others.

“Do you need directions?”

“No, Roman told me where you live.”

I sit back as he drives us further into the city, not wanting to be the one to break the silence. Since I don’t want to do it, it remains quiet, and when he pulls in front of my apartment building, I finally say, “Well, thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it.”

He turns off the engine and starts to get out.

“You don’t have to get out. I’ll be fine walking in on my own.”

“Roman wanted me to walk you to your door.”

“Oh.” I fall in step beside him, surprised when he opens the door for me. “He’s a little overprotective, I guess,” I say with a soft laugh.

“He cares about you,” Matvey says, and that one sentence makes my heart give a little flutter. It’s such a simple thing to say, but I get the distinct impression that this isn’t a normal occurrence.

We ride the elevator in silence, and when we get to my apartment, I start to unlock it and then turn to tell him thanks again. He waits for me to open the door before he gives a soft nod and starts to walk away.

“Matvey.” When he turns to face me, I say, “Roman told me about Alina.” At the mention of her name, his whole body freezes. “I just wanted to say how sorry I am, and I hope you know that I’ll do everything I can to help you find her.”

The hurt and pain that flashes across his face has me wishing I’d kept my damn mouth shut. It wasn’t just sadness over a friend’s missing sister. It was a glimpse of a gut-wrenching, soul-crushing pain that I don’t think I’d be able to survive if I had to carry it around. Yet here he is, holding onto it and carrying it around every second of every day, and he has been for an entire year. It must be slowly killing him.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“It’s okay. Thank you for wanting to help.” He turns to leave before I can say anything else. He steps into the elevator and pulls the red hood of his sweatshirt up, hiding himself behind it as the doors shut and he disappears from sight.

Stepping into my apartment, I kick off my shoes and grab my phone so I can text Roman like he asked me to.

Just made it back. Thanks for asking Matvey to drive me home. I told him that you told me about Alina and that I was really sorry and I’d do anything to help find her. I’m really sorry. I hope I didn’t overstep. He looked devastated when I said her name.

Almost immediately I see the dots, letting me know he’s typing me a message. I love that he doesn’t try to play games and make me wait.

You could never overstep, solnishka. Matvey will be okay. There’s a lot to unpack with him, but I promise he’ll be okay. I’m glad you made it home safe. I heard your shift was a busy one and that more than one guy was staring at your ass. I was less than pleased to hear that.

I laugh and wonder who the hell he has watching me. I’ve tried to spot whoever it is, but no one looked suspicious or out of the ordinary.

I didn’t notice anyone staring at my ass, but my tips were especially good. I guess they liked what they saw, but don’t worry, you’re the only one who gets to use it for an ass job.

I keep laughing as I grab a bottle of water. I never thought in a million years I’d be using the term ass job with a guy.

That made me laugh, baby, and I better damn well be the only one rubbing up against your perfect ass. I need to get going, but I hope you sleep well. I’ll pick you up tomorrow for the yacht trip that will only be bearable because you’ll be there with me. I hope your mother isn’t such a cunt this time. Night, baby. Sweet dreams.

I smile as I type my response. You’ve met my mother, of course she will be. It’s her natural state of being. I hope you sleep well and that whatever you’re doing is safe. Night.

He sends me the winky emoji. I’m still smiling when I step into the shower and wash the restaurant smells off me. Putting my comfy pajamas on, I curl up in bed and grab my book. I read until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer, and when I wake, there’s a bouquet of white calla lilies and yellow roses on my nightstand with a note.
