Page 35 of Paved in Blood

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I lean over and kiss him, running my tongue over his as he cups the back of my head and deepens the kiss. He tastes sweet from the cupcakes, and I can’t get enough. I suck his tongue into my mouth, loving the deep groan he gives, and when I give his bottom lip a soft bite, he fists my hair and pulls me back. His eyes are dark, his expression downright feral, and every single part of me wants to just say fuck everything else, let’s go back to bed, but I can’t. I need to do responsible things like go to work instead of make out with the insanely hot Bratva boss.

“I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, baby.”

“Good. I’m glad I’m not the only one.”

He smiles and runs his thumb over my cheek. “You’re definitely not the only one.”

“This thing you’re doing tonight, it doesn’t involve strip clubs and lap dances, does it?” A part of me hates asking, but an even bigger part of me needs to know.

“I promise you that I didn’t want that woman in my lap last night, and I promise you that no other woman will ever be that close to me again.”

“I don’t want my heart to get broken, Roman.”

“I would never break it, solnishka.” He gives me a sweet kiss as he loosens the tight grip he has on my hair. “Please trust me. You have nothing to worry about. I, on the other hand,” he says, running his hands up my thighs and cupping my ass, “will spend all day thinking about you walking around in this little skirt in front of a bunch of men that deserve to be shot for daring to set their eyes on what’s mine.”

“What’s yours, huh?”

“Yes, baby. Mine. Every perfect inch of you is mine and only mine.”

I tell my inner feminist to take a backseat and smile at the man I’m quickly falling head over heels for.

With one last kiss, he says, “Be careful, baby, and text me when you get home so I know you made it.”

I smile and give him one more quick kiss before jumping out of his car and running to the entrance. Looking back, I give him a wave and then bolt inside, clocking in just a couple of minutes late.

“Who the hell was that hottie?”

I laugh and turn around to face Nicole, my coworker and the gossip queen of the Lighthouse. She and I became friends on my first shift here. She took me under her wing, pointed out all the repeat customers, the biggest tippers, and the ones to never get too close to because they liked to try and cop a feel. She’s one of my favorite things about working here, and right now her blue eyes are lit up with excitement.

“Seriously, Emily, spill it. He was kissing the hell out of you and driving a Porsche. Who is he and does he have a brother?”

I know she’s kidding. She’s been in love with Justin, our evening bartender, for as long as I've known her. She’s just never worked up the courage to do anything about it.

“His name is Roman, and it’s a very new thing, Nicole, like super new.”

“Oh my god, did you sleep with him?” Her eyes grow even bigger. “This is huge!” She laughs and bumps shoulders with me. “That’s probably what you were saying last night.”

“Oh my god,” I groan, but I can’t stop the laughter from spilling out as we start rolling silverware into napkins and preparing for the lunch rush. “I didn’t sleep with him,” I admit.

“But you sure wanted to.”

I don’t deny it. “We want to take it a bit slow.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” She sighs and says, “Last night I managed to score a smile from Justin. He’ll probably ask me to marry him soon.”

“If he’s smart, he will.” I look over at Nicole, watching her tuck a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “You should just ask him out. He’d be a moron to not want to date you,” I say, and I mean every word of it. Nicole is sweet and funny and she has the kind of beauty that makes men stop and gawk at her. I see it happen all the time while she’s waitressing.

“One day I’ll get brave and do it.” She says, checking to see which section she’s been assigned. “I’m working a double today, so maybe by the time we close I’ll be too exhausted to be scared.”

“That’s the spirit,” I tell her, smacking her on the back. “It’s that can-do attitude that our ancestors harnessed to give women the right to vote in this country.”

“You’re right,” she says, and I can hear the determination in her voice. “I can go up to Justin tonight and ask him out.”

“Because you are a badass woman,” I say.

“Because I am a badass woman,” she repeats, and it almost sounds like she believes it.

I grab my notepad and point my pen at her as I walk towards the family that’s just been seated in my section. “I want details later.”
