Page 34 of Paved in Blood

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“Of course you did,” I say, shaking my head and stepping inside. “I’ll just be a couple of minutes. Make yourself at home, you know, just like you did last time.”

He smiles but doesn’t look the slightest bit guilty. I laugh when he veers towards the container of cupcakes that he knows is sitting on the counter. With his toned body, I never would’ve guessed he had a sweet tooth, but he definitely does. I leave him to it while I dart into my room and quickly pull his shirt off me and toss it on the bed, because no way in hell am I giving it back. I grab some panties and a bra before slipping into the plaid skirt and white top that is my work uniform. Waitressing at the Lighthouse isn’t my dream job or anything, but I’ve been doing it for so long now that it’s pretty mindless work, and the tips are actually pretty damn good most days. The restaurant has a huge bar area, and the building itself is shaped like a giant, red-and-white lighthouse. I swear it’s a beacon to daytime drinkers everywhere because the bar is always packed.

I run a quick brush through my hair and add a bit of makeup before pulling on my sneakers and racing back into the kitchen. Roman is licking icing off his finger with an adorable guilty look on his face.

“Sorry,” he murmurs around his mouthful. “I had every intention of saving you one.”

I look down at the empty container and arch a brow at him. “You owe me big time.”

He smiles and walks towards me, taking in the short plaid skirt I’m wearing. “I like this,” he says, dragging his fingers along my thigh, trailing them under my skirt a little bit. “You look like a naughty student who’s willing to do anything to make her professor happy.”

“Don’t change the subject,” I tell him, trying to not get sidetracked with the finger that’s slipping further up my thigh. “You owe me for stealing all my cupcakes.”

“Speaking of sweet-tasting things,” he says, sliding his hand further up and dragging his finger along my slit. His pupils flare when he feels how wet the thin scrap of lace already is. “I’d much rather eat you, sweetheart.”

“Well, then you’re going to love what you owe me.”

He smiles and presses the pad of one finger against my clit, giving me a soft rub that pulls a moan from me as I grab onto his shoulders for support.

“What is it you want from me, solnishka?”

It takes me a second to answer because he pinches my clit between his fingers and my brain completely shuts down. “I want your mouth on me,” I finally manage to whisper.

He leans closer, ghosting his lips over mine. “You want me to bury my head between your legs and eat your pussy?”

“Yes,” I moan, feeling my face heat up.

“Then ask the right way. Let me hear you say it.”

He cups my face with his free hand, tilting me up to him and smiling at how red my cheeks are. “Your innocence makes me so fucking hard, baby.” He gives my bottom lip a soft bite. “Now tell me what you want.”

His pupils are blown when I stare into his eyes, and the raw hunger in them is mirrored in mine. “I want you to bury your head between my legs and eat my pussy,” I say in a breathy rush. And then I feel stupid and add, “If you want to.”

He smiles and steps closer, letting me feel how hard he is. “Does it feel like I want to, solnishka?”

“Mm-hmm,” I whimper when he gives my clit another pinch.

“I hate to say it, but it’ll have to be tomorrow before I can give you what you want.”

“But tomorrow is the stupid yacht day with my parents.”

He smiles against my lips. “Don’t worry, baby, that won’t stop me.”

“What are you doing tonight?”

“I promised Danil I’d help him with some things, and we need to meet with some people.” He gives me a soft kiss. “Someone will be watching you at all times, and I’ll have one of the guys pick you up after work.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I’m not doing it because I have to. I’m doing it because I want to.”

I smile and cup the back of his head.

He gives my clit one more rub that nearly makes my knees buckle before he whispers, “You’re going to be late.”

“Oh shit.” I look at the clock hanging on the wall and groan.

“I can drive fast,” Roman says, taking my hand and leading me out of the apartment. He locks my door for me and when we see the empty elevator, we both let out a relieved breath. Before the doors are even shut, he’s lifting me up and kissing me hard. I wrap my arms and legs around him and open my mouth to him. The kiss is hard and hungry and over way too soon. When he hears the doors give a soft ding, he lets out a frustrated groan and slowly puts me down. We rush to his Porsche, and after breaking just about every traffic law there is, he gets me to the Lighthouse with seconds to spare.
