Page 33 of Paved in Blood

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He gives me a wink and puts on the gun holster he’d slipped on me last night, and when he walks over and grabs the gun off the nightstand, I ask, “Do you always wear a weapon?”

“Yes, at least one.”

He holsters the gun and then puts on his suit jacket, hiding it from view. Grabbing my hand, he leads me out of the room, and it’s not until we hit the main living area and see Vitaly’s smiling face that I remember how loudly I’d screamed Roman’s name this morning.

“Have a good night?” he asks, and then gives a soft laugh, “I mean, you obviously had a good morning.”

“That’s enough,” Roman says, but I can tell he’s not angry, just worried about me being embarrassed.

I laugh at the grin Vitaly’s giving me and follow Roman over to the coffee pot. Matvey is sitting at the counter with a giant bowl of cereal. He’s wearing a red hoodie this time, and the colorful bowl of what looks to be pure sugar is at such odds with his dark demeanor.

“Morning, Matvey,” I say, giving him a smile. I think about what Roman told me last night, about the huge crush Alina had on him. She’d been eighteen when she’d disappeared, and I can’t help but wonder if that crush had begun to turn into something else. Matvey looks like a man haunted by his past, and as much as I’d like to reach out and give him a friendly hug, his face makes it clear that it wouldn’t be welcomed, so instead I just keep smiling.

“Morning,” he says, and then takes another bite in an obvious I’m finished talking now way.

Roman brings his hand to my back and holds out a mug for me, giving me a quick wink when I look up at him. I take a drink and spot Danil walking in with his laptop.

“Find out anything new?” I ask him.

He seems surprised that I’m the one asking, but he covers it quickly and shakes his head. “Not yet. I’m still looking around private planes that have been coming in from Eastern Europe. There are a few small airfields around here that make more sense to me than coming in at a major airport. It’s a lot to wade through, though. It’ll take some time.”

Roman looks at his watch and then kisses the top of my head. “We better get going if you want time to change clothes.”

I look down at the T-shirt I’m wearing. “This could start a whole new fashion trend.”

“Especially with the heels,” Vitaly says.

Roman runs his eyes over me. “There’s no way in hell you’re wearing that to work.”

“So possessive,” Vitaly mutters, but I see the grin he’s making no attempt to hide. “Don’t forget Lev and I had front-row seats to the lap dance.”

My face turns beet red as I let out a groan. “You have to forget everything you saw last night.”

“And never speak of it again, asshole,” Roman adds, putting down our mugs and leading me towards the elevator.

“Too soon for jokes?” he asks with a laugh, his whiskey-colored eyes lit up with mischief. “I’ll wait a couple weeks and try again.”

Roman and I step into the elevator, but before the doors close, he flips Vitaly the bird. The doors shut on his laughing face.

“Sorry about that,” Roman says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.

“It’s okay. I like seeing you with your brothers. Where’s Lev at?”

“Probably sleeping. He goes out sometimes at night and fights for money.”

“He does that for fun?”

“Yeah, he sure as fuck doesn’t need the money.”

Looking around at the private elevator we’re riding in, I have to agree. These guys are clearly not hurting for money. The drive to my apartment doesn’t take long, but I still need to rush if I’m going to make it in time. Roman grabs my hand as we race inside. To make it painfully obvious that my elevator is not even close to being private, we’re forced to ride up with five other people, two of which just came back from a run, and their body odor quickly fills the small space.

Roman arches a brow at me and brings his mouth to my ear. He breathes in the scent of me and lets out a soft moan. “Much better.”

I have to fight the laugh that wants to come out when he doesn’t move, choosing to breathe me in instead of the sweaty man standing next to him. I’m not complaining. With him this close, it means all I’m smelling is his spicy cologne and the vanilla-scented body wash we both used. I think we’re all more than ready to leave the cramped space when the doors open onto my floor.

“Goddamn,” Roman mutters. “Why the hell didn’t he just take the stairs, or wait for an empty elevator?”

I laugh and grab my key, but before I can unlock the door, Roman’s doing it. I watch him put the key back in his pocket before he gives me another wink. “I gave myself a key after the locksmith left.”
