Page 32 of Paved in Blood

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“Do it,” I beg.

He gives a soft laugh. “Not yet. I’m getting a pretty amazing ass job right now.” Speeding his hips up, his cock slides between my cheeks, pulling another moan from my shaking body. “I love your ass, baby, and someday very soon I’m going to fuck it, but right now I want you to come around my fingers.”

“Fuck,” I moan when he slides two fingers into me, spreading me wider than I’ve ever been. He keeps the meaty part of his palm pressed against my clit as he finger fucks me until I’m whimpering and unable to speak.

“That’s right, solnishka, grip my fingers and soak my hand.”

With his fingers buried inside me, he rubs my clit with the palm of his hand while he pinches my nipple even harder, and when the orgasm hits, it hits hard. I scream his name as my vision darkens. My pussy grips his fingers tight enough to pull a deep groan from him as pleasure races through me. He gives one more hard thrust before I feel the wet heat of him hit my back. His mouth is on my neck, kissing and licking and nipping as we both come completely undone in each other’s arms.

Aftershocks continue to run through me as he lazily fingers me while he grows soft against my ass. Pressing me tighter against him, he lets out a sigh when I loosen my grip on his hair and lean back so I can kiss his cheek. When he slides his fingers out of me, he makes sure to graze my clit the whole time, smiling when a shiver runs through me. Keeping his eyes on mine, he sucks his fingers clean, moaning at the taste of my pussy.

“That’s one hell of a good morning,” I tell him, smiling when he laughs and kisses my neck again.

“I woke up with your beautiful, naked body pressed up against me, and I couldn’t help myself.”

I stretch my arms out and smile. “I’m not complaining.” Grabbing his wrist, I look at the watch he’s still wearing and groan. “Shit, I need to be at work in an hour.”

“You’re waitressing today?”

I look at him and smile. “Why am I not surprised that you know where I work?”

He doesn’t deny snooping on me, just scoops me into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. I run my eyes over his tattooed chest. I could spend a lifetime worshipping this man’s body. When I look up, he gives me a wink before setting me down so he can start the shower.

I look at the counter, spotting his toothbrush and immediately reach for it. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m borrowing this.”

“You can use whatever you want, baby.”

When I’m done, he uses it, and then we both step into his enormous shower. I feel like we’ve shared so much for having known each other such a short time, but it doesn’t feel weird or awkward to be showering with him right now. It feels like the most natural thing in the world.

With a smile playing at his lips, he steps closer and runs his hands over my wet body before fisting my hair and tilting my head back, letting the water run over me. His eye trail over me, and when I feel him grow hard against my hip, I suck in a quick breath and meet his eyes.

“You drive me fucking crazy, solnishka.” His voice is low, accent thick, and just the sound of it sends a shiver down my spine.

He reaches for the shampoo and then spends the next several minutes washing my hair and massaging my scalp until I’m practically humming with pleasure. By the time he starts on my body, I’m barely hanging on. His soapy hands run over me, and when he cups my tits, letting my nipples graze his palms, I moan his name and try to pull him closer.

Keeping me rooted in place, he lifts a dark brow at me. “Stay still, baby. You don’t want to be late for work.”

“What you’re doing is cruel,” I tell him. “I just want you to know that.”

He smiles and grabs the washcloth, slowly dragging it between my legs. “I just want to make sure you’re clean, sweetheart.”

“I’d prefer to be dirty,” I say, making him laugh.

When he’s satisfied I’m clean enough, he steps under the spray of water and quickly washes his own hair and body. I don’t look away for a second. I memorize every second of this magnificent show, knowing it’ll be playing on repeat in the back of my mind for the rest of my life. He’s still fully hard, and when I can’t resist any longer, I reach out my hand and touch him, gliding my fingers along his thick, wet cock.

He hisses a breath and grabs my wrist, gently pulling me off him. “I’m only so strong, solnishka, so unless you’re ready to quit your job and move in here with me, then I suggest you leave my cock alone.”

The temptation to reach out again is strong, but I know if I do, we’re going to end up in his bed and we won’t be leaving it all damn day. I can’t lose my job, and I doubt he’s serious about me moving in, but even if he was, I should probably know him for more than a week. That would be the smart thing. Every part of me aches to stay here with him, but after a few deep breaths, I give a small nod and step out of the shower.

I pull the T-shirt I wore last night back on and grab my dress and wig. Digging my phone out, I start to call for an Uber when he stops me and says, “I’m bringing you back, baby, and then I’ll drive you to work.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

He steps closer with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and says, “I want to do it.”

“Okay,” I whisper, and then follow as he walks into his closet. He doesn’t seem to mind, so I keep watching as he dresses in another expensive-looking suit. His tattoos are quickly hidden underneath the white dress shirt, and I love knowing that they’re there. I love that I know something about him that he likes to keep hidden.

“You look really sexy in a suit, Roman,” I tell him, watching him straighten his tie.
