Page 31 of Paved in Blood

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“I don’t know. I have no idea where she is or what’s been done to her, and the not knowing makes me feel like I’m losing my mind at times. I’m guessing she’s already in America somewhere, though, but finding out about this flight, about who’s really behind it might lead us to her.”

She rests her palm against my face and gives me the sweetest, softest kiss. “I’ll help you find her, Roman. I’ll do everything I can to help.”

“I know, and that’s what scares me.” I cup the back of her head, bringing her closer. “I can’t lose anyone else.”

“You’re not going to lose me.” She gives me a soft smile. “But I should probably go home because I have work tomorrow.”

“You can’t. I already told the men I have watching you to take the night off.”

“What the hell? What men?”

I smile at her reaction. “When I brought you home and saw your flimsy locks and the way your dad’s friends looked at you, I assigned a couple of my men to watch you. One of them texted me tonight to let me know that he’d seen you arriving at the Red Viper in a tiny scrap of a dress. I didn’t see the message until we were in the storage closet, but I texted him back and told him you were with me and to take the night off. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the night, sweetheart.”

“You know it’s not normal to change a woman’s locks while she’s passed out, right?”

“I also watched you sleep,” I admit. “And ate two of your cupcakes. God, those were damn good, by the way.”

“I knew it,” she says with a laugh. “I thought you had, but then I kept thinking who the fuck does that?”

I laugh and kiss her again. “Will you stay in here with me tonight? Just like you, I’ve never invited anyone into my bed, but I want to fall asleep like this.”

She looks at me like she doesn’t believe me. “Yeah, no way in hell are you a virgin.”

“I never said I was. I said I’ve never invited a woman into my bed.”




I reach up and massage the tension from between her brows as she tries to understand the kind of man I was just a very short time ago.

“Because I didn’t care about any of them, because I had no desire to fall asleep surrounded by their scent, and because they didn’t make me feel the way you do.”

“How do I make you feel?”

I slide my hand down her back to cup her ass and pull her even closer. “Happy,” I tell her, “and at peace. I can’t remember the last time I felt either of those things, but it comes so easily when I’m around you.”

Her eyes soften as she gives me a cute smile and closes the distance between us, kissing me so damn sweetly before resting her head back on my shoulder. With her naked body snuggled up against and partly draped over mine, she falls asleep while I stroke her hair and dance my fingers along her back. I know with absolute certainty that I never want to let her go. Having her next to me feels right, and for the first time in a very long time, I drift off easily, and the sleep is peaceful instead of the nightmares that have plagued me all year.

Chapter 6


I wake up to the feel of something big and hard poking me in the ass. My brain is still foggy with sleep, and when I let out a moan and try to wiggle away, a strong hand grips my hip, holding me in place. My eyes pop open as last night comes crashing back to me. I’m naked and in bed with Roman Melnikov, and his insanely huge cock is fully hard and snuggled between my ass cheeks.

His other arm is already wrapped around me, one hand cupping a breast as he nuzzles my neck and lets out a very manly groan that’s apparently directly tied to my pussy because it wakes up with a vengeance. Something profound happened last night, and there’s no going back. It wasn’t just the mind-blowing orgasm, although that was pretty fucking fantastic, or being naked with a man for the first time. It was something far deeper than that.

“Solnishka,” he murmurs against my neck before kissing a line along my shoulder. He lets go of my hip and slides his hand between my legs, cupping my bare pussy like he owns it. When he feels how wet I am, he lets out another deep groan and rocks his hips. His cock slides between my ass cheeks, and the sensation pulls a moan from me as I fist the pillow and rock against him. He’s already slick with his own arousal, but then he drags his fingers along my slit, soaking them before reaching around to run them over his shaft.

“Oh fuck,” I gasp when he hikes my thigh over his and brings his hand between my legs, dragging his fingers along my slit. He slowly parts my lips and slides one finger in, causing my back to arch and pulling an embarrassingly loud mewling sound from me.

“God, this tight pussy is going to be the end of me, baby.” He fingers me slowly, matching the rhythm of the large cock that’s still thrusting between my ass cheeks. When he brings his soaked fingers to my clit, I moan his name and reach behind me so I can grasp the back of his head. He nips my shoulder while he circles my clit and pinches my nipple, rolling and tugging on it until I’m shaking and desperate to come.

“Please,” I beg, rocking my hips because the sensations hitting me from both my back and my front are driving me wild. Every movement is pure ecstasy, pushing me closer and closer to the point of no return, and I’m desperate for it. I fist his hair tighter and moan his name again. It’s a plea for mercy, for him to give me what I need, and he knows it.

“I love the way you say my name.” He pinches and rolls my nipple between his fingers, the sting of it just adding to the pleasure, as he drags his thumb over my aching clit. “I can’t wait to hear you scream it when I slide into you.”
