Page 28 of Paved in Blood

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She takes my finger, gripping me so tightly it makes my head spin, and when I slowly start to fuck her with it, she rocks her hips and moans my name again.

“God, you’re so fucking tight, baby.”

I watch her as I bring her closer to the edge. A red blush spreads up from beneath the collar of her shirt, coloring her neck and face. Her lips are parted as her breathing picks up, and her eyes are closed.

“Look at me,” I say, slowing my finger down because I’m not letting her come until her eyes are on mine.

When her face turns a deeper shade of red, I smile and give her bottom lip a soft bite before running my tongue over it to take away the sting.

“I’m not letting you come until you look at me,” I whisper against her lips. “Look at me, baby. Let me see you.”

She opens her eyes with a gasp when I give her clit a not-so-gentle tap.

“That’s better,” I say when her eyes meet mine. They’re glazed and heavy-lidded, and her pupils are blown. She’s close, just a few more well-placed rubs, and she’s going to be coming hard. When I avoid her clit and slide my finger back into her, she moans and rocks her hips up. I can feel the frustration building inside her when she grips my hair tighter and lets out a soft whimper.

“Please,” she begs, and then she runs her hands down my body and starts to unbutton my pants.

“Fuck, baby, what are you doing?”

Her fingers fumble with my belt, and when I cover her hand with mine, stopping her movements, she looks at me, first in confusion and then in hurt when she misreads what’s happening.

I give her hand a soft squeeze. “Don’t look at me like that, solnishka.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m rejecting you.”

“Why are you stopping me?” she asks, and I hate how sad and hurt her voice sounds.

I cup her face and give her a soft kiss. “Do you remember the other night when I brought you home?”

“Kind of. It’s a bit fuzzy in places,” she admits.

“I put you in your bed, and you told me that it was the first time you’d ever had a man in your bed.”

I didn’t realize her face could get any redder, but she proves me wrong, and when she tries to turn away from me, I hold her in place and give her another kiss.

“Are you a virgin?”

She darts her eyes to the side to avoid looking directly at me and whispers, “Yes.”

I run my fingers along her red cheek and graze my lips over hers. “And that’s why I want to take it slow. I don’t want you regretting anything with me.”

“I would never regret anything with you.” She brushes a strand of hair off my forehead in a whisper-soft touch that sends a shiver down my spine. “Are you really not allowing me to unzip your pants? That’s really embarrassing, Roman.”

I can’t help but laugh at the way her eyebrows scrunch up and her lips tighten in frustration.

“Now you’re laughing at me? Seriously?”

She tries to cover her face, but I hold her wrists, pinning them between us so she’s forced to look at me.

“I’m not laughing at you like that. I just think you’re adorable.” When she keeps pleading with her eyes, I let out a sigh, knowing I’m probably going to regret this. I let go of her wrists and bring her hand back to my belt. I raise a brow at her and say, “I’m serious, though. I’m not fucking you tonight. I don’t want your first time to be like this. I want you to get to know me first. I want you to be sure this is really what you want.”

She smiles and quickly starts working my belt. I’m wondering how the fuck I’m going to survive this when she unzips my pants and slides her hand in. I hiss out a breath when she wraps her hand around my shaft and gives me a soft squeeze.

I’m just about to admit that I can’t handle this when she pulls her hand out and starts tugging on my pants, wanting them all the way off. With a groan, I pull my pants and boxers off while she works on unbuttoning my shirt.

“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” I say, but she just smiles, and when I toss my shirt aside, she parts her lips in a small gasp as she runs her eyes over me. She takes in the tattoos that the suit was hiding and then runs her fingers over the peaks and grooves of my chest and abs. When her eyes dart lower, she whispers, “Holy shit,” and that just makes me laugh again.
