Page 29 of Paved in Blood

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“You’ve got to stop laughing at me,” she says, but I can tell she’s not upset. She’s too busy being mesmerized by my cock.

Sliding my hand under her shirt, I meet her eyes and raise a brow, waiting for her to tell me it’s okay. She smiles and nods, helping me pull the shirt over her head. When she’s naked before me, I’m left speechless. My eyes run over her, drinking in the sight of her perky tits, the rosy red color of her nipples and areolae, the curve of her hips, and finally the smooth, wet pussy that I’m dying to bury myself inside.

“You’re so beautiful, baby,” I whisper, running my hand up her side before cupping one of her tits.

“I know they’re small,” she says, looking everywhere but at me.

“Look at me,” I tell her, craving the connection I need from her. Before Emily, I fucked without caring. It was purely to get off and relieve stress, and it never meant a damn thing to me. I sure as hell didn’t want eye contact and slow, sensual touching. Everything I had in the past is the exact opposite of what I want with her. I don’t want this if she’s not looking at me, if she’s not seeing me.

“You’re perfect,” I tell her when she meets my eyes. “So fucking perfect.”

I give her nipple a soft pinch, loving the way it makes her gasp and arch up off the bed.

“This might very well be the end of me,” I say before lowering my body on top of hers and pressing my thick shaft against her pussy.

“Oh my god,” she pants, already rocking her hips up and trying to grind against me.

I slowly drag my length along the outside of her pussy, running over her clit in one long stroke that has her eyes rolling back in her head and her fingers digging into my shoulders.

“Is this what you want, solnishka?”

“Yes,” she moans as I speed up. Her pussy is slick with her arousal and I’m already covered in pre-cum, making it easy for me to glide along her skin.

Her nipples scrape along my chest with our movements, and the temptation to slide between her soaked pussy lips is unlike anything I’ve ever known. I cup her face, pressing my thumb between her lips and groaning when she immediately starts sucking.

“You have no idea how badly I wish I was inside you, baby. I’d give anything to feel your tight pussy wrapped around me.”

She keeps her eyes on mine, sucking my thumb as I bring her closer to the edge. I’m right there with her.

“Do you want me to come on you?”

“Mm-hmm,” she moans around my thumb.

“You want me to make you a filthy, sticky mess, sweetheart?”

She nods her head and sucks me harder while bringing a hand between us, and when I feel her curious fingers start to explore my cock, I nearly lose it.

“Come for me, baby,” I growl, speeding up and tipping her over the edge.

Her lips tighten around my thumb as her body bucks up and a shiver runs through her. I feel her pussy clenching against my shaft, so fucking desperate to be filled, and when I feel the wet heat of her release, my whole body tenses with a need unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. She locks her eyes on mine and runs her soaked fingers along my cock as I keep grinding against her pussy, and when I start to come, she lets out a whimper and runs her tongue over my thumb before giving it another hard suck.

“Goddamn,” I growl, shooting my seed onto her stomach as pleasure consumes every single part of me. I keep my eyes on hers, letting her see me at my most vulnerable, wanting to share this with her, and when I’m finally empty, I slide my thumb out of her mouth and kiss her like I’ll never be able to get enough.

She opens her mouth for me, wrapping her arms and legs tightly around me. I’ve never felt so close to another person in my life, and I haven’t even been inside her yet. My hand cups her face while my thumb strokes her cheek and my tongue claims every damn inch of her mouth.

Pulling back, I whisper against her lips, “I’m in so much fucking trouble, solnishka.”


I brush back a strand of her dark hair and memorize every detail of her beautiful face. “Because I’m falling hard for you. The safe thing would be to send you back to your apartment and keep you as far away from me as possible.”

She tightens her grip on me like I’m about to force her away from me, and I lean closer, leaving a trail of kisses along her cheek and jawline, whispering against her skin, “But I can’t do that. I can’t let you go.”

“I don’t want you to let me go.” She runs her hands through my hair and hugs me tighter. “I feel safe when I’m with you, Roman. You’re the only man I’ve ever felt completely safe around.”

“Your dad should be shot for allowing those bastards anywhere near you,” I say, knowing full well that I may be the one who gets to put the bullet in his head. “I will never let anyone hurt you, solnishka.”

Her nails drag along my back, easily sparking my body back to life. “What does that word mean?”
