Page 27 of Paved in Blood

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“We can talk about this later,” I tell them, making it clear that we’re not going to talk about it now.

“Fine, I guess I’ll just figure this out on my own then. Maybe they’ll still let me in the club as your pet, even if you’re not there with me.”

She tries to pull her hand away, but I grip it tightly, keeping her held in place. Leaning closer, I meet her eyes and say, “You are not going back there without me, not fucking ever. Is that clear?”

“I think you’re forgetting that I’m no longer your pet, Roman. You can’t order me around.”

“Bedroom,” I manage to grit out. “Right fucking now.”

I throw back the rest of my drink and stand up, ignoring the amusement in Vitaly’s eyes and the way they’re all trying not to laugh at that fact that I’m being told off by a five-foot-two woman in nothing but my T-shirt.

“You can’t boss me around,” she says, calmly taking another drink of her sweet tea.

With a growl, I reach down and pick her up, cradling her against me as I storm off down the hallway.

“Don’t make her ass too red,” Vitaly shouts after me in Russian and then laughs.

“Put me down,” Emily yells, but I ignore her and carry her into my room before setting her down on the edge of my bed. Her shirt rides up, revealing more of the thighs I’ll never be able to get enough of, and when I raise my eyes, I see the way her nipples strain against the fabric, begging me to wrap my mouth around them until she’s screaming my name.

Too frustrated to stand still, I set my gun on the nightstand and start pacing as I unbutton my dress shirt and roll up the sleeves.

“Damn,” she whispers when she sees the tattoos that cover every inch of my arms. “I had no idea you were hiding all that.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, solnishka.”

“So tell me, Roman. Tell me. Include me. Don’t just shut me out. I’m a part of this now whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t like it.” I walk back over to her, bracing my hands on either side of her. “I don’t want you anywhere near this thing. Can’t you understand that? They know your face now. They’re intrigued by you. I could see it in their eyes, and I made it worse by acting so protective of you, but, fuck,” I say, shaking my head, “I couldn’t let you go. I couldn’t stomach the thought of setting you down and risk losing sight of you for just one second, because that’s all it would fucking take.”

“Take for what?” she whispers.

I rest my forehead against hers. “For them to take you from me, and then I’d never see you again.”

She cups my face, and I close my eyes at her touch. “Whenever you’re ready to tell me what this is really about, I’m here. I’m here whenever you need me.”

“What do you mean? This is about me keeping you safe.”

She pulls back enough so she can look in my eyes, and the smile she gives me is a mix of sweet and sad. “As amazing as it feels to have someone like you so concerned with my safety after knowing me just a couple of days, I’m not an idiot. There’s something more here. This is bringing up painful things for you, and I’m sorry for that. I want to help you. Please don’t push me away.” She kisses my cheek and whispers, “I’ll be safe as long as I’m with you.”

“What if I fail?”

“You won’t.”

I kneel down in front of her, putting us at the perfect height, and when I thread my fingers through her hair, she parts her lips and leans closer. “Think this is a good place for our first kiss?” she whispers.

I let out a soft laugh. “You sitting on my bed in nothing but my T-shirt and looking sexier than any woman I’ve ever seen? No, baby, this is the worst possible place for our first kiss.”

“Well, that’s too bad, because I want one.” She cups my face and leans in so I can feel the heat of her breath against my lips. “I want you to kiss me, Roman.”

With a groan, I close the distance, and as soon as my lips touch hers, I’m lost. She opens her mouth to me, and the hesitant swipe of her tongue along my bottom lip sparks something inside me that I didn’t know existed. I don’t want to just fuck this woman, although that’s definitely part of it. Fucking isn’t enough, though. It will never be enough with her. I want to consume her. I want to own and possess every goddamn inch of her, and it scares the hell out of me, because the last thing I need is another weakness, another person who can be taken from me. I won’t survive it if it happens again. I know this, and the rational part of my brain is trying like hell to get me to pull back and put some distance between us, but my hand is already running up her thigh, and when I grip her bare hip, I let out a growl and cup the back of her head and hover my body over hers as I gently lay her back onto the bed.

She runs her hands through my hair and wraps her legs around me, kissing me harder and letting out sexy little whimpers while she does it. I’m so hard it’s painful, and when she rocks her hips, grinding against my cock, I feel how tense her body is, how desperate she is for release, and I want nothing more than to give it to her.

When I slide my hand along her lower stomach and graze my thumb over her swollen clit, she breaks our kiss with a gasp while I grit my teeth and try not to bust a nut in my goddamn pants like a teenager. Her pussy is smooth and wet and it feels so fucking perfect.

“Roman,” she moans, and god do I like the sound of my name on her lips when she’s seconds away from coming.

“I’ve got you, solnishka.” I whisper against her heated cheek. When I run a finger down her soaking wet slit and gently part her lips, dipping inside to the tight, wet heat of her, something inside me breaks. I crumble at her goddamn feet, knowing without a doubt that I’ll never be able to let her go. She is mine, every fucking part of her.
