Page 24 of Paved in Blood

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“You’re coming back with us,” he says, walking us over to a black SUV.

I look to the side and see the man with the lip ring, he gives me a smile. “I’m Lev.”

“And I’m Vitaly,” the man next to him says. “Nice to meet you, Emily. Don’t judge me by the girl you saw grinding in my lap. That wasn’t our choice.”

Lev laughs. “That may not have been, but trust me, that won’t be the last time you see a stripper grinding in his lap.”

Vitaly tries to look offended but just ends up laughing. “True enough, I guess, but what happened back there was awkward as fuck. They’re definitely up to some nasty shit in that place. What did you two find out when you disappeared?” He gives me a playful wink. “Or did you seriously just go use a back room?”

“Vitaly, for fuck’s sake,” Roman groans, and then he says a long string of Russian that makes both men laugh.

I’m surprised when we get to the SUV and there are two other men waiting inside. One is focused on the laptop in front of him, and the other is watching us from beneath his black hood. Roman sets me down, and as soon as there’s distance between us, I want to wrap my arms around him again and close it. Instead of making a fool of myself, I wrap my arms across my body, making sure to keep his jacket closed. I wonder if he’s feeling the same thing when he reaches out to run the backs of fingers along my cheek one last time before helping me into the vehicle. I take the seat next to the guy in a hoodie, who must be sweating his ass off in this heat. Vitaly and Lev jump in the very back as Roman gets in the driver’s seat beside the guy whose fingers are flying over the keyboard.

Roman turns back to me and points to the man on the laptop. “This is Danil, and that’s Matvey,” he says, pointing to the man beside me.

“Hi,” I say.

“Hey, Emily,” Danil says, turning to look at me before putting his focus back on whatever the hell he’s doing.

Matvey gives me a slight nod and then starts speaking in Russian. When we pull out of the parking lot, the streetlights give me a brief glimpse of his face. His eyes are so dark they look black, and, again, I can’t help but notice that these two men are just as good looking as the others. They may not make my heart race like Roman does, but there’s no denying they’re all gorgeous. Matvey looks over at me while keeping up the conversation that I don’t understand a word of. He’s not giving off any let’s be besties vibes, but I don’t feel uncomfortable or like I’m in danger. If anything, I think he’s just curious and uninterested sexually, which is more than fine by me. The only man I want looking at me like that is sitting in the driver’s seat.

I settle back, pulling Roman’s jacket tighter around me as I lower my chin so I can smell his cologne better. Looking out the window, I try to figure out where we’re going, but nothing looks familiar. They keep up a nonstop conversation in Russian, and it takes me a second to realize they’ve switched to English.

“Do you like Chinese food?” Vitaly asks me.

I sit up a bit straighter and say, “Yeah.”

“See, she likes it too. You’re outvoted, Danil,” Vitaly says with a laugh.

“Chinese it is,” Roman says, giving me a quick wink.

He pulls into an all-night drive-thru and starts ordering a massive amount of food.

“Don’t forget the crab Rangoon,” Lev hollers from the back.

I can’t help but laugh at how unbelievably surreal this whole night has been. I snuck into a club, saw Roman, found out some horrible information about the shit my dad is involved in, acted like Roman’s…well, I don’t know what the fuck I acted like. His pet? His sex slave? His whore? I’m not sure, but now we’re ordering Chinese food with his brothers, and this is not at all how I saw this night ending.

Once we’re loaded down with more food than I think we can possibly eat in one night, Roman drives us to a large building with underground parking. We get out, each of us carrying bags of food, and I smile when Roman immediately comes to stand beside me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder as we all walk to the elevators. We take the one that’s off to the side, the one that requires a special keycard to even open, and then we all step in.

The men all tower over me, and when I catch sight of my blurry reflection in the doors, I let out an embarrassed groan. I’d forgotten how fucking horrible I look.

“Wow,” I mutter, feeling my face heat up.

“We had to make it look believable,” Roman reminds me.

“Yeah, you definitely look like a woman who spent some time in the back room of a strip club,” Vitaly says with a laugh.

Lev joins in and then apologizes. “Sorry, Emily, but I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing when Roman carried you out like he’d fucked you into a coma.” He bumps shoulders with Vitaly. “We deserve some kind of acting award for that shit.”

“Fuck yeah we do,” Vitaly agrees.

“You’re hurting my pride,” Roman says, but there’s a smile playing at his lips.

The doors open directly into a penthouse that must’ve cost a damn fortune. It’s an open floor plan with floor-to-ceiling windows. The city is lit up below us, and when I set the food down in the kitchen next to everyone else’s bags, I scan the place, noticing the big leather couches, large, flat-screen TV, and the staircase that leads off to another level.

“Do you want to get cleaned up first?” Roman asks, leaning closer.

“Yes, please.”
