Page 23 of Paved in Blood

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“Thanks for watching over me,” I whisper as he carries us back out into the main area of the club.

He doesn’t say anything, just squeezes me tighter. I feel his muscles move as he maneuvers us through the crowd, and it is pure heaven. I can’t resist running my fingers through the back of his hair, and before we get to the table, he whispers, “I’ll get us out of here as soon as I can.”

I kiss his neck to let him know I heard because I don’t want to risk anyone hearing me speak English. Roman says something to his brothers in Russian, and I’m happy to see that the women who were grinding on them have left. A quick glance lets me know that one of the guys is missing, making me think I was right about him being the voice that I heard with Sam.

Roman sits down, keeping me securely in his lap. He runs his fingers along the nape of my neck while he pulls his jacket down a bit to make sure my ass is fully covered.

“God, what the hell did you do to her? Is she still alive?” the man asks.

Roman laughs. “She’s just tired, David. I can be a bit aggressive at times,” he says with another laugh.

“You’re definitely going to fit in here,” David says. “I was just telling your brothers that if you see anyone you like, just let me know. We can work out a price, whether you want her for the night or longer.”

Roman keeps stroking my skin. My face is pressed against his neck, and I can’t resist kissing him again. No way in hell David can see me from where he’s sitting, but I still keep my eyes closed. I breathe in Roman’s comforting scent and relax in his arms. He keeps a hand on my ass, not taking the chance that the jacket might slip up while his other hand keeps up the soft caresses along my neck, and it’s comforting in a way that I hadn’t thought possible.

“Are these the only women you have?” One of his brothers asks.

David lets out another slimy laugh. “These not good enough for you?”

“I like variety,” his brother says.

“We get more women in on occasion. If you keep coming back and prove to be loyal customers, then maybe you’ll get to meet some of the others,” David says.

“We’ll definitely be back,” the brother closest to me says. “After that lap dance, you couldn’t pay me to stay away.”

“What about you, Roman? Are you interested in sampling some of our women, or has that little minx gotten her claws into you?”

Roman moves his hand so he can secretly stroke my cheek when he says, “I own my woman. She doesn’t own me. The only problem is I’ve yet to find anyone as good as her. It took me a long time to train her properly. I’ve invested a lot of time and effort into this one.”

“This one? You’ve gone through a few, huh?” David asks with a laugh.

“Like I said, I can be a bit aggressive at times.”

I know Roman is playing a part, but I still hate hearing him talk like this. I sigh against his neck, and he strokes my cheek again.

I hear ice clinking in a glass before David says, “We have men with that similar propensity, and we’re very good at replacing any damaged goods.”

Well, that’s a disturbing and scary-as-fuck answer.

Roman lets out a soft laugh, but I can feel how tense his body is. “Good to know,” he says, and I kiss his neck because I know that he’s enjoying this about as much as I am.

They continue to talk until I almost fall asleep for real, but I perk up when Roman finally says, “Well, I’m glad we stopped in David. This place exceeded our expectations.”

“We’re glad to have you. Stop in anytime. Your business will always be welcome.”

Roman says something in Russian before I hear one of his brothers say, “A little something for your hospitality.”

“Like I said, your business is always welcome,” David says with another laugh, and I can hear the excitement in his voice. It makes me wonder how much money they just dropped.

Roman stands, taking me with him again, and I kind of feel bad because he’s been stuck holding me for a couple of hours. After they’ve said their goodbyes and we’re far enough away, I whisper, “You can set me down now.”

“Not a chance in hell,” he whispers back.

I smile against his neck and let him carry me out of the Red Viper. The bouncer steps aside, letting us go, and when the fresh air hits us, I instantly feel better. I still feel like I need a shower just from being in that place, but at least we’re free of it.

“How did you get here?” Roman asks.

“I took an Uber.”
