Page 25 of Paved in Blood

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He smiles and motions for me to follow him while his brothers start grabbing plates and opening containers. Roman yells something to them in Russian that makes Vitaly say, “We were going to leave her some, Roman, damn.”

He laughs and guides me down a long hallway and into a huge bedroom with a king-size bed and more floor-to-ceiling windows.

“Is this your room?” I ask, eyeing the large bed.


“Do you all live here?”

“We do. There’s three floors, and it has everything we need for now.”

He steps into his closet and comes back out with a black T-shirt. “I’m sorry. I don’t have anything else for you to change into.”

“I could just wear my dress,” I suggest.

He lifts a brow at me. “No, you cannot, and I better not ever see you walking around in something like that again.”

I open his jacket and look down at my tiny, slutty, black dress. It’s not anything I would ever choose to wear, but that had been the point. No one would recognize me as the mayor’s daughter wearing something like this. The wig and heavy makeup had been the finishing touch. It had taken all my courage to walk into the Red Viper tonight. The bra I’m wearing manages to give me a bit of cleavage, a miracle all on its own. I’d been afraid my hips and ass looked too big in it, but I hadn’t seen any disappointment in Roman’s eyes.

“You don’t like it?” I ask, just because I want to see his reaction.

He lifts a brow at me and takes a step closer. “I think you know I do, and don’t think I’m going to forget about that conversation I talked about. I want to know everything as soon as you’re out of the shower.”

Reaching up, he tugs the wig off my head, and when my dark hair spills out, he sighs and immediately runs his hands through it.

“Much better,” he whispers.

He kisses my forehead and then starts to walk away, but stops when I say his name. When he meets my eyes, I say, “Thanks for everything tonight. I got in way over my head, and I’m not sure what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been there.”

His green eyes are filled with something that I can’t even begin to decipher before he gives a soft nod and walks away. I grab his shirt and step into the enormous bathroom, wanting to get cleaned up as fast as possible so I can start getting some answers.

Chapter 5


I leave Emily to take a shower, wanting nothing more than to turn right back around and join her. I felt a connection to her the other night when I first met her, but something happened tonight, something that I can’t just pretend didn’t happen.

Walking back into the main room, I ignore the four men stuffing their faces and pour myself a very large vodka, because fuck do I need it. I’d nearly lost it when I’d looked up and seen Emily watching me get that fucked-up lap dance. Having her in that club, surrounded by the vilest, most dangerous men imaginable had brought out every possessive instinct I have and directed them all at her, and now she’s involved in this, and I don’t fucking like it. They saw her with me, they saw how protective I was with her, and now they’re going to expect to see her with me again.

“It went well tonight,” Lev reminds me, lifting a brow when I finish my drink and pour another.

“Did you two find out anything about those snake tattoos after I left?”

“The snakes were red on the girls they sent over, but as we were leaving, I saw a few that had the same tattoo with a black snake,” Lev says. “That’s got to mean something.”

“When we asked about them, they both clammed up, wouldn’t say shit about it and looked scared to death.” Vitaly shakes his head and takes another bite. “That was the most awkward, uncomfortable lap dance I’ve ever been given.” He points an egg roll at me. “At least you got one you enjoyed.”

I push aside the memory of her grinding her sweet pussy against me and say, “They saw her. They think she’s my fucking prized pet.”

“This could work in our favor,” Danil says, and then holds his hands up when he sees the look I give him. “Just think about it. You’ve claimed her and made it clear you won’t share. She’ll be safe as long as she’s with you.”

“I don’t want her involved in this shit,” I groan.

“She’s already involved,” Vitaly says. “She went to that club on her own, and she’s suspicious enough to be snooping around her dad and his friends.”

“She could help us,” Matvey says.

I meet his eyes, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. She could help us find Alina, and wouldn’t I risk everything to do that? I would’ve said an absolute yes to that a couple of days ago, but now I’m not so sure. The thought of putting Emily in danger doesn’t sit well with me. I scrub a hand over my face, feeling a tension headache coming on.
