Page 22 of Paved in Blood

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I slip on his jacket and then bring it to my nose, inhaling his scent before I can think better of it. When I meet his eyes, I quickly look away and pull the jacket tighter around me before crossing my arms over my chest to keep it closed. His beautiful mouth quirks up in a small grin as he steps closer. He runs his fingers through the long strands of my blonde wig.

“I don’t like this. I miss your real hair.”

Without another word, he carefully messes up my wig.

“What are you doing?”

“If this had been real, I would’ve had you on your knees, fisting your hair while I fed you my cock.”

I suck in a quick breath and blush even harder. He gives me a wink and cups the back of my neck, tensing his jaw as he runs his green eyes over me. He tightens his fingers around me, letting me feel the strength in his hand, letting me feel how easily he could cut off my air. It’s a little scary, but fuck does it feel good. He groans and runs his thumb over my lips, smearing my lipstick and sending a rush of pleasure straight to my pussy. As disgusted as I am by what I just heard, I can’t not react to Roman’s touch. It’s impossible. It’s the only thing in this place that feels clean and good, and I can’t help but cling to it and crave it.

“We’re going to go back out there, and you’re going to act exhausted from how hard I just fucked you.You’re going to cuddle up against me, burying your face against my neck, and you’re going to pretend to fall asleep. You will not be leaving my side tonight. Do you understand?”

I look up at him and bite my bottom lip.

He runs his thumb over my lips again, freeing my bottom lip from my teeth. “What is it?”

“I really have to pee,” I admit, feeling stupid but also knowing I can’t hold it for however many hours we might be here.

He gives me a small smile and leads me back out of the storage room, clicking off the small overhead light on the way. Once he’s sure it’s safe, he brings me back out into the hallway, and when he’s found the bathroom, he knocks on the door. When no one answers, he opens it and pulls me in. He doesn’t let me go until he’s opened the door of every stall and made sure it’s completely empty.

“I will be waiting right outside that door, okay?”

“Okay, thanks.”

He kisses the top of my head again, because even in heels the man towers over me, and once he’s gone, I hurry up and do what I need to do. While I’m washing my hands, I look at myself in the mirror and cringe. Good god almighty. My wig is a wreck thanks to his fisting of it, and my lipstick is smeared, making me look like I’ve either just gotten kissed good and hard, or I just came off a really wild bender. It could honestly go either way, especially with the dark eye makeup I’m wearing. I’d really gone all out for tonight, and it’s not looking as good as it did a few hours ago. I think about how beautiful all the women are right outside this door, and I really wish I could naturally pull off the sexy look. The more I study myself, the more I’m convinced that the crazy bender is the one that fits me best, and god do I hate that.

I’m still studying myself when there’s a soft knock at the door. “You okay, solnishka?”

I pull his jacket tighter around me and keep my head low when I open the door. “I’m fine,” I mutter and then try to hurry my ass down the hall. The quicker I can pretend to be asleep, the better.

“Hey, wait a minute,” he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me back to him. He cups my face, but I fight him, trying to keep my head low. I don’t really want to see his perfect face right now. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I whisper.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Please don’t lie to me, Emily.”

I sigh and grab onto his wrists as he keeps cupping my face. “I look a mess, and I’m embarrassed. I’m not looking forward to going back out there with all those beautiful women.”

“You look sexy as fuck, solnishka. That’s why you’re covered up right now, and none of those women look even half as good as you.”

I look up and meet his eyes. “Please don’t lie to me, Roman,” I say, throwing his words back at him.


“I saw the woman that was riding your lap,” I remind him.

“I didn’t want her to do that.” He leans closer and brushes his thumb along my cheek. “And she didn’t get me hard.”

“Yeah, okay,” I say with a disbelieving laugh.

“She didn’t, but I know you felt my reaction to you.”

I fight a smile and say, “It was kind of hard to miss.”

He gives me a sexy smirk. “Come on, we need to go back out there, but we can talk about this later. Don’t forget, you’re sore and exhausted, too sore to even walk.”

He picks me up, and I quickly wrap my arms and legs around him, resting my chin on his shoulder.
