Page 19 of Paved in Blood

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I look down at her rocking hips, wanting to put my hands on her just so I can get her the fuck off me, but that’s when she moves her hand to my chest and I see the tattoo on her wrist. It’s a red viper ouroboros, just like on the business card, circling her entire wrist.

“Interesting tattoo,” I say, pointing at the snake. “What does it mean?”

Vitaly hears me and says in Russian, “She’s got the same tattoo.”

“Same here,” Lev says.

“It’s nothing,” the woman in my lap says, leaning closer so her huge tits are right in my face.

I turn my head to the side a bit, trying to not make it obvious that I want to put some distance between us. When I put my hands on her hips to try and scoot her back a bit, I look around her shoulder and see Emily staring right at me. She looks completely different—skimpy dress, blonde wig, and way more makeup than she was wearing the last time I saw her, but I recognize her immediately, and the hurt look on her face is like a slap to mine.

“Fuck,” I growl in Russian, pushing the blonde off me. “The mayor’s daughter is here. I’ll be right back.”

Standing up, I turn to David, who’s not looking pleased. “I’ll be right back,” I say and then I run after Emily, not giving a fuck about anything else.

Chapter 4


I turn on my heels and start to weave through the crowd of men around me. My heart races, my palms are sweaty, and I feel like I’m going to vomit all over the expensive leather dress shoes around me. Why the fuck is everyone so dressed up?

“Easy, sweetheart,” one man says and then lays a hand on my ass. Before I can even turn around to smack him, Roman is there, gripping his wrist and yanking it off me. He steps closer to the man, and the look of pure rage on his face would have me pissing my panties if it were directed at me.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” he growls at the man who’s suddenly gone pale.

“Sorry, man, I didn’t know she was yours. She’s not marked.”

I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, and I don’t care. I just want to get as far away from Roman as I can, so I turn around and book it. I don’t make it far. His arm wraps around me, pulling me against him as he drags me into a dark corner.

“Let me go!” I yell at him, trying to struggle free, but he pins me against the wall, pressing his powerful body against my back as he braces one hand by my head and keeps the other one locked around my waist.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“You’ve got some nerve getting all pissy with me,” I hiss at him. “Why are you here? Oh, wait, that was painfully obvious when that whore was grinding against your lap.”

“That wasn’t what it looked like.”

“So you weren’t getting a lap dance?” I ask, letting out a harsh laugh. “Whatever, it’s not like it matters.”

I’m hurt and angry, and part of it is because I have no right to be. We spent a couple of hours together, and then he brought my drunk ass home and put me to bed and apparently changed my locks and ate two cupcakes. It’s not like we’re dating. It still hurts, though. It hurts way more than it should, and I don’t know what to do with that, so I just let out an angry huff of air and curse the tears that are threatening to fall.

He surprises me by leaning closer and bringing his face close to my neck. He takes a slow, deep inhale, and it feels so fucking intimate and so unbelievably right.

“It isn’t safe for you to be here. You need to leave.”

“Why don’t you go back to your little dance, Roman, and leave me the fuck alone?”

He lets out a soft laugh. “That’s not going to happen.” His hand is still splayed out along my lower stomach. “Why are you dressed like this? Do you have any idea what could happen to you in a place like this?”

“Why do you care?”

He sighs and kisses my cheek. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”


“Then we need to work together. If I promise to explain everything later, will you trust me now and do what I say?”

When I hesitate he adds, “Please, Emily. It’s important.”
