Page 18 of Paved in Blood

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“We’re new to the city, heard you had the best women here.”

He studies my face, but I don’t give him anything. I’ve stared down men way worse than him. After a few seconds, he turns his eyes to Vitaly and Lev. He knows he sure as fuck isn’t going to win this fight, but he also doesn’t want to piss off whoever he works for.

‘Who told you about this place?”

Instead of answering, I take a gamble and say, “I had an interesting dinner the other night with the mayor and a couple of congressmen.”

The bouncer gives me a smirk of a smile before he opens the door and steps aside. “Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen.”

We walk into the dark bar, not knowing what to expect. I’ve kept my suit jacket unbuttoned so I can easily get to my gun, but I still don’t like walking into a room where I have no idea what’s waiting in the dark corners. The music is loud, but not obnoxiously so, and the place is packed. I’m not surprised to find that the Red Viper is actually a strip club. It’s not a large building, so instead of a stage, there are stripper poles strategically placed around the room. Men sit at the tables, watching the dancers and the half-naked waitresses, but it doesn’t feel like a typical strip club.

“What the fuck is this place?” Vitaly mutters in Russian.

The men aren’t whistling or catcalling. They’re watching, though, and occasionally grabbing. A man sitting at a table on our right reaches out when a waitress stops to drop off his drink. He snakes his hand up her skirt, and she doesn’t push him away. I see her body tense for a second, but then the mask falls into place and she turns to give him a seductive smile while his hand starts to move.

“We’re here to gather information and observe,” I remind them because I can feel the tension running through them. I turn to look at them. “There might be something here to help us find Alina. No fighting.”

They don’t look happy about it, but they nod. Lev scrubs a hand over his jaw and says, “It’s a damn good thing Matvey stayed in the car.”

God, there would’ve been no stopping him if he had to sit in here and watch this. I want to go over and beat the shit out of the pervert who’s groping this poor woman, but I have to find my sister, and that means focusing on the bigger picture. Cut off the head of this goddamn viper, and then everything else will collapse. Stopping this pathetic piece of shit won’t do anything, not anything lasting anyway. It will just ruin everything.

We walk over to the bar and order drinks, noticing the men around us. Most of them are busy staring at the women, but a few of them are paying attention to only us. Drinks in hand, we lean against the bar, waiting to see what will happen. It doesn’t take long before two men in suits start to approach us.

“Showtime,” Vitaly mutters before taking another drink.

Both men look to be in their thirties, and they carry themselves like men who fear very little. They’re used to power and wealth, and they’ll do anything to keep it.

“This is your first time at the Red Viper,” the dark-haired man in front says, and it’s obvious by his tone that he isn’t asking a question. He knows every man who frequents the club, and he’s never seen us before, so naturally he’s suspicious.

“It is,” I tell him. “We’ve just moved to the city and heard this was the place to be if you want the best women.” If he’s not going to beat around the bush, then neither am I.

He looks at the three of us, lingering a bit longer on Lev’s piercings and tattoos before he gives a soft smile and extends a hand out to me. “I’m David and this is Aaron. We run this club.” He pauses for a second and asks, “And who are you?”

I smile and drop his hand. “I’m Roman, and this is Vitaly and Lev.”

Aaron speaks for the first time and asks, “How did you hear about us?”

I give a small laugh and finish my drink before saying, “Friend of a friend.” I motion for the barely clothed bartender to give me a refill before turning back to David. “Someone who has similar tastes in women.”

They study us for a minute, but they don’t ask any more questions, especially not after I pull out some money and tip the bartender a hundred dollars like it’s nothing.

“Speaking of women,” Vitaly says with a laugh while lifting his drink in the direction of the nearest pole dancer. “That is a fine piece of ass. Where the hell did you find her? Is she a contortionist? Fuck me,” he mutters with another laugh.

David and Aaron smile and watch the young woman do some sort of vertical splits move that looks like it defies gravity.

“Goddamn,” Lev says in appreciation.

The two men relax a bit listening to their praise, and when David invites us to a back table, we have no choice but to accept. They’re still leery of us, but they’re not trying to kick us out. I take a quick look at my watch. It’s not even ten yet, so we’ve still got plenty of time before whatever the hell is supposed to happen with Sam.

We follow the two men to a corner that’s filled with a couple of leather couches and a clear view of the club. David raises a hand and one of the waitresses comes rushing over. She leans down so he can whisper in her ear before she scurries off to do his bidding. I inwardly groan when I see her come back with three women in tow, one of them being splits girl.

Vitaly discreetly turns his head to me and whispers, “Fucking hell, Roman,” in Russian, because all three of us know what’s coming next. We said we were here for women, and if we turn them away now, that will be like waving a giant red flag in front of David and Aaron.

“Our treat,” David says, waving the girls over.

Splits takes a seat on Vitaly’s lap while a redhead straddles Lev and the blonde comes walking over to me. I don’t want her on my lap, but there’s no way to avoid it now. She smiles down at me and steps closer, putting her hands on my shoulders so she can straddle me. The two other women are already grinding on Vitaly and Lev, and I hate every fucking second of this. The woman in my lap is gorgeous, there’s no denying that, but I don’t want her. Everything about this feels wrong. I keep seeing Emily’s face in my mind, and I’m racked with guilt, which is really fucking stupid since all we shared is one night and she was passed out for most of it.

“Hey, handsome,” the woman says, working her hips and grinding harder against my lap. If she’s surprised to not find me hard, she hides it well. She leans closer, her cloying perfume surrounding me and making it hard to breathe. “You can touch me if you want.”
