Page 20 of Paved in Blood

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I can hear the truth in his words, and if I’m being honest, this place is creeping me the fuck out, and I feel a lot safer standing next to Roman.

“Okay,” I whisper, “but you better not be lying.” When he softens his grip on me, I quickly say, “Wait, are you taking me back there? Please don’t make me watch you get a lap dance.” I don’t care if I sound pathetic. There’s no way in hell I could sit through that.

“I would never,” he whispers close to my ear. “You’re going to be the one in my lap.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, just kisses my cheek and spins me around. Wrapping an arm around me, he keeps me pulled in tightly against him as he leads us back to the couch in the corner. Before we get there, he leans down and whispers in my ear. “Pretend you don’t speak English. Don’t say a word, solnishka.”

It’s not the first time he’s called me that, and I want to ask him what it means, but we’re at the couch, and he’s sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. The gorgeous blonde who was riding his lap looks even more amazing up close, and my face turns an embarrassing shade of red when I mentally start comparing the two of us, because she definitely looks like the more obvious choice for a man like Roman Melnikov. She gives Roman a pouty look, but he completely ignores her and pulls me even closer while he says something in Russian to the two men beside him, both of whom are still being ridden by half-naked strippers. Lovely.

“Who is this? Is she one of ours?” A man on the other couch asks, eyeing me in a way that makes me wish I was wearing more than the slutty dress I bought just for this occasion.

“She’s mine,” Roman says, the tone leaving zero room for argument. “I brought her with me from Russia.”

“Nice,” the other man says. “Do you share?”

Roman grabs my hips and spins me around so I’m straddling him and no longer facing the two men who are leering at me. “I do not fucking share.”

The man holds up his hands and lets out a soft laugh. “Only asking. No harm done.”

Roman cups the back of my head and pulls me closer so he can whisper in my ear. “Might want to start acting like you actually want to be in my lap. Make it believable, solnishka.”

My whole body freezes when I realize what he’s asking. My eyes dart to the two men beside him that he was speaking Russian to. These must be his brothers, but aside from the fact that they’re all gorgeous, they don’t have much of a family resemblance. The one with a lip ring gives me a small, quick smile, but there’s nothing pervy about it, more like a silent encouragement. They’re both sporting neck tats and look to be just as powerfully built as Roman. Who the hell are these guys?

Roman brings his hands to my hips and gives me a gentle squeeze. I lean closer, bringing my cheek to his so the other men can’t see me as I whisper in his ear, feeling like a giant fucking moron. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I’ve never given a lap dance before.”

“Ignore everyone else,” he whispers back. “There’s only you and me.” When he runs his tongue along my earlobe and gives it a suck, I let out a soft moan and dig my fingers into his shoulders. I close my eyes as he kisses down my neck, and when my body responds with a slight rock of my hips, he groans and nips at the crook of my neck. His hands grip my hips tighter, encouraging me to move while also teaching me what to do.

His mouth on my skin is doing the impossible. Everyone else starts to fade away, and when I feel him grow hard beneath me, another moan slips out as I bring my hands to the back of his head, running my fingers through his dark hair. I rock my hips harder, and when he slides one hand around to my ass, he splays it out, and I know with absolute certainty that he’s doing it to try and hide me from view as much as possible.

I pull back and look at him, meeting his green eyes as I keep grinding against him. For having an audience, it’s ridiculously intimate. Cupping his face, I rest my forehead against his and let out another moan.

“Roman,” I whisper, feeling like things are getting way out of control. My whole body is on fire with need. My pussy is soaked, my nipples rock hard and painful, and my heart is racing faster than is probably safe. All I can think about is how badly I need more. I bring my lips back to his ear. “Please,” I whimper and then run my tongue along his neck, breathing in the scent I’ll never be able to get enough of.

“Don’t you dare come,” he growls in my ear. “I’m not sharing your first orgasm with these bastards.”

“Tell them you’ll be back in a minute. Take me somewhere else.” I grind even harder against him, the thin scrap of lace covering my pussy isn’t much of a barrier, and I could easily get myself off, but he’s right. I don’t want to do it here, not in front of them.

“Fuck,” he growls, standing up and taking me with him. He keeps his arm around my ass, hiding me from view as I wrap my legs around him. He tells his brothers something in Russian, and then says in English, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

The other two men laugh, and one of them says, “There are rooms available in the back. Take the hallway on the right past the bar.”

Roman gives them a nod and then quickly walks me through the crowd. No one seems to think it odd that a man is carrying a woman off. They’re all too busy with their own women to care. Once we’re in the hallway, I hear the moans coming from behind the doors and reality hits me like a bucket of ice water. What the everliving fuck am I doing? Am I seriously going to lose my virginity in this fucked-up sex club?

Roman feels me tense and gives me a soft smile. “Don’t worry, solnishka, I’m not fucking you here.” He presses me against a wall and kisses my cheek again. “You’re far too important for a quick fuck in this dump.”

When I turn my face to see him better, I notice the way he pulls back so our lips won’t touch. It hurts, even though I know he’s right. We can’t do anything here. Now is definitely not the time.

“Don’t look at me like that, baby. I’m not about to have our first kiss happen right here.”

“It’s good enough for our first lap dance though?”

He lets out a soft laugh. “That was unavoidable, but I’m not about to complain.”

“What time is it?”

He looks at the black watch that must’ve cost a fucking fortune and says, “Fuck, it’s almost 10:30.”

“Set me down. I need to show you something.”
