Page 17 of Paved in Blood

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“I’ll see you soon, solnishka,” I whisper in her ear.

Giving one last look, I turn and leave, using my own key to lock the door behind me. I don’t see Timofey or Sergei when I walk out of her building, but I’m not expecting to. The drive back doesn’t take long, and when I walk into the penthouse, Danil and Matvey are both up—Danil with his head in his computer, and Matvey with a big bowl of cereal.

“Did you fuck the mayor’s daughter?” Danil asks.

“No, I did not.” I grab a blueberry muffin, wishing it were one of Emily’s cupcakes and take a big bite while I pour myself some coffee. “Did you find anything on the Red Viper?”

“Hard to say.” He keeps clicking away on the keyboard while he fills me in on what he’s found. “The club itself is a seedy-looking bar on the side of the city that sane people stay the hell away from.” He types something else and then angles the laptop so I can see. “But for a shithole bar, it brings in a good bit of money.”

I step closer and look at the spreadsheet in front of me. Danil’s found their financial information and the money coming into this place is way higher than it should be. There’s no way in hell they’re bringing in thousands of dollars a night just selling beer in a bad neighborhood.

“Did you see anything about Sam?”

“No, I can’t find the name associated with anything. The owner is listed as Larry Anderson, but he’s living in the Bahamas right now with his eighteen-year-old wife, so he’s clearly not running things.”

“How old is he?” Matvey asks.


“Wow,” I say and then take another drink. “That’s a little suspicious.”

“Very,” Danil agrees.

“Fucking pervert,” Matvey mutters around a mouthful of what looks to be just a bowlful of mini marshmallows and multi-colored crunchy balls. I’m not the only one with a sweet tooth around here.

“I guess we’ll find out more on Saturday.”

Matvey looks at me. “You want us all to go?”

“I think that might look a little suspicious. I’ll probably just take Vitaly and Lev. You can wait in the car with Danil while he does his hacker shit if you want.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I can tell he’s relieved. He doesn’t like to be around other people if he can help it.

“I sent you a file on Emily, but there’s not too much there.”

“Thanks,” I tell Danil before heading to my office. I read everything while I finish my coffee, disappointed that there isn’t more. She hates social media, sticks to herself, works as a waitress at a popular restaurant, and evidently tries to distance herself from her family as much as possible. The only mention of her is in a few articles where it’s hinted very strongly that there might be a wedding in the future that will link the Marston and Daniels families. Included is a photo with Connor’s smug smiling face and a very uncomfortable-looking Emily, who’s obviously just trying to get away from him.

Over my fucking dead body.

The thought is instant and fierce, but there’s no getting rid of it. No way in fuck am I going to stand back and watch Emily be given to that vile piece of shit. With that thought firmly in place, I spend a few more hours digging around and reading about the men I met last night.

After two long days of pretending I’m not constantly thinking about a short, brown-eyed beauty, I’m finally pulling into the parking lot of the Red Viper. Despite the lousy location, the parking lot is full.

“Damn,” Vitaly says with a low whistle. “I don’t think there’s a single car here that costs less than eighty grand.”

“Odd place for a bunch of rich guys to hang out,” Lev says. “Even odder that none of their cars are getting stolen.”

I park the SUV, noticing the large bouncer that’s guarding the main door. He’s not like the bouncer at The Pink Kitty. I can tell by the way he holds himself that this guy knows what he’s doing.

“Try not to kill anyone,” Danil says. “We need info, not dead bodies.”

“I’ll do my best,” I tell him.

Vitaly, Lev, and I get out and walk towards the man that’s quickly sizing us up. We step in front of him, and when he doesn’t step aside, I lift a brow at him and say, “You going to let us in?”

“I’ve never seen you here before.”

I keep an eye on his hands, making sure he doesn’t try to reach for a weapon, and take a step closer.
