Page 94 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I posted up in front of Tanner and then smirked. Now this is a fucking ballgame.

And as soon as their center snapped the ball, I took off in a shot and whipped around Tanner, grinned, and then sacked the QB.

I was running to the line when I pointed at Crew.

He was smiling so wide and jumping up and down that I could see it from here.

We went line to line, neither team trying to give up a single fucking yard.

And that was how the game was played, yard, for fucking yard.

It was the toughest football game I’ve ever been a part of.

And then, as we stopped the team on our five-yard line, the whistle blew.

That was it.

Everyone on our team had their hands up cheering, clapping, bro hugs, chest bumps, you name it, we fucking did it.

Then I watched as Tanner’s woman, April ran out onto the field and wrapped her arms around him. She didn’t care if he won or lost, you could see the pride in her eyes every time he played.

If I were being honest, I used to be jealous as fuck of him when his woman came running at him on the field.

But thankfully, I didn’t have that problem.

Not when Culpepper’s booming voice lit up the night air, “Make fucking room!”

Since all of us were used to him doing this, everyone stopped and froze, and I mean everyone on the fucking field that went to our college. The other team stopped and looked stunned.

And then I fucking smiled, my woman was smiling wide, one hand resting over her stomach that was cute as fuck, and in her other hand, she held Crew’s little one as they made their way over to me with Marcus at their backs, glaring at anyone that dared to step in their path.

Grinning, I dropped to a knee, and then my little buddy didn’t hesitate to run full out to me. Smiling wide, I caught him in my arms, and then stood, lifting him in the air.

“We’re number one. We’re number one,” he chanted.

I smiled up at him and then immediately looked down at my woman, who was waddling over to me.

And when she made it to me, I wrapped my hand in her hair, brought my lips to hers, and got my winning kiss.

I knew, standing there on that field, that had we lost this game, it wouldn’t have hurt as much.

Because I had the best thing that ever happened to me in my arms.

It was a week after the championship game, and we were on winter break.

I wanted to find Aliyah’s parents for her.

Just so she could have some answers.

So I had asked my dad to see what he could find.

And the man had come through. Like he always did.

The three of us were currently sitting in a rental car outside of a brick house, in the state of California where she was born.

It was huge. So, freaking huge it was crazy.

“Want to go knock on the door and ask them?” I asked her.
