Page 93 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Karen walked in and stopped it, but not before the deed was done. That’s how Crew came to be. The letter she got was informing her that the bastard, Nathan Jones, that had raped her, had died.”

“I want to find his body and piss on it,” Finch growled.

But it was Marcus that said, “You ever hurt that girl again, and I’ll step up for that girl and that boy. I’ll treat ‘em like fucking gold. Friendship be fucking damned.”

I nodded at him, “I won’t ever hurt her again, or that boy. Ever since I realized what I did, I regretted it. She’s it for me. You all heard Crew in the hospital. Soon as I’m drafted and we figure out our future plans, I’m marrying her, and believe it or not, if she wants to move somewhere and there’s a team, I’ll get traded or not play ball. And I plan on adopting Crew once we set a date.”

They all nodded, and then one by one they followed me up to my room, and each and every one of them quietly placed a kiss on Aliyah’s forehead and Crew’s head.

And the two of them slept through the whole thing.

Chapter 22


Finally! I wanted to cheer.

We had just gotten done with our appointment and I was officially removed from bed rest.

And just in time for the party that Melanie and William were throwing before the big championship game at the football house.

Daemon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and asked, “You ready to cheer me on tomorrow?”

I nodded, “Always and forever.”

He winked down at me and whispered, “Always and forever.”

That was when the coach walked over to where we were standing and said, “You need him for anything, you just let Matthew know. Okay?”

I nodded at him.

The coach and I had come a long way ever since all of that had happened.

And something I hadn’t found out until the doctor mentioned it this morning, that Daemon also didn’t know, was that when the staff at the hospital tried to gather up more security to remove the guys, coach had pulled in a favor that was owed to him.

It was the CEO of the hospital that allowed all the men to stay as long as they kept quiet.

And they had. For the most part.

Just then, I smiled and then winked up at Daemon as our daughter kicked.

And that well that started all of the guys wanting to put their hands on my belly, and all of them getting a glaring and growling Daemon at my back.

But it was Culpepper when he felt our daughter kick and said with a huge smile on his face, “You won’t touch or do anything to us, and risk Aliyah getting hurt in the process.”

The man at my back that really did dwarf me snapped, “You just wait. Your ass is mine tomorrow.”

“We’re on the same side,” Culpepper smiled.

“I know coach owes me a favor, so when I happen to sack you, all I gotta do is say, sorry coach, I thought he was one of them.”

Culpepper lost his smile and then winced.

The entire house burst out with laughter.

Chapter 23

