Page 90 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Thankfully, I was able to hear what she said, and I didn’t like the tone of her voice, not one bit, she sounded scared as fuck, but was trying to be strong for her boy so he wouldn’t worry, “What do we do when we're scared?”

I heard his little voice, “We close our eyes and think happy thoughts.”

My team followed behind me.

We stood there for what felt like a long fucking time until I saw the ambulance with the lights flashing.

We all moved out of the way, and then I was there waiting at the back doors.

The moment they opened, I hung up the phone, and handed it to Braydon in time to catch the little boy that flung himself into me once he saw me.

Wrapping my arms around him, I held him closely. Braydon took the phone that was Aliyah’s as well.

Then with Crew in my arms, we followed the gurney as they wheeled her inside, and then we stopped when she disappeared behind the silver shiny doors.

After I had filled out the paperwork, a woman in light pink scrubs asked, “Is there anyone I can call for her or you?”

She wasn’t subtle in her flirtation, not in the slightest.

And that was proven when Crew showed her the little badass he was and said, “Daemon and I are all my mommy needs. Quit hitting on him. He belongs to my mommy, me, and my little sister that’s in her belly. Now, go save my mommy, and get away from us. Oh, and one of your eyelashes is falling off. Go fix that.”

It took a few seconds for everyone’s brains to take in what their ears had heard, and booming laughter lit up the waiting room.

And for the next two hours, everyone that was important to us was here.

William, Melanie, Lily. Marcus’s parents and his brother. Even Professor Macklin.

It was two hours later when a doctor stepped through the door.

“Family for Aliyah…” the doctor trailed off when I stood with Crew in my arms as well as the entire football team. And the JV team.

“That’s my mommy. This is my soon-to-be dad when he marries my mommy, and he adopts me, and he’s the dad to my little sister that’s in my mommy’s belly.”

The doctor looked at him, and then at me, and then said, “If you two will follow me, I will update you on what is going on.”

Like it was choreographed, both Crew and I shook our heads, “Just tell us here. They will find out the moment I can tell them, and it will save me from having to repeat it. Besides, this is her family.”

The doctor shook his head, and then started, “That’s not…”

“She’s my little sister,” Braydon called out.

“She’s my sister,” Finch said.

“She’s mine too,” Culpepper said.

“She’s my twin, can’t you tell the resemblance?” Marcus said behind my back.

And then, on and on, the whole team claimed that she was their sister.

“Oh, and he’s my nephew,” Marcus said with a stern glare in the doctor's direction.

And before the team could claim him too, the doctor held up his hand, “Okay.”

A nurse came running and then said something in his ear, then he sighed and nodded.

“Ms. Turner saw that you all were here while she was being unloaded from the ambulance. And gave me permission to share.”

We all nodded and then waited.
