Page 91 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Ms. Turner is going to be fine. However, we will be holding her for a few days. She suffered from a condition called a Placental Abruption. It’s when the placenta separates from the uterine wall. If we follow the steps, the baby should be okay. But I don’t want you to get your hopes up. The best thing you can do is give her as much strength as possible because she will be on bed rest. For the remainder of the pregnancy or until further orders from the doctor.”

“When can we see her? And for how long?”

“You two can follow me back. We will allow two people every ten minutes until visiting hours are over.”

And that was how the staff found out that you couldn’t tell a bunch of men that cared for a five foot four woman that was pregnant with my baby a fucking thing.

We weren’t moving from her room.

And seeing the sheer size of us, they gave up.

Chapter 21


“This is ridiculous,” I mumbled at Daemon who had just informed me that the whole team declared they weren’t leaving my side unless it was for classes, practice, or a game.

He shook his head. Then looked down at me with a stern expression, “No, baby, it’s not.”

“My place isn’t big enough for them to come and hang out, and you know they will all be there.” Then that was when he dropped the proverbial bomb on me.

That was when he smiled. “Yeah, which is why Braydon is moving rooms, that way Crew is beside us in our room. The team started a schedule. Each day someone is taking him to daycare, picking him up, and making sure he stays safe until he comes home to you.”

“Finch is in charge of making healthy meals for you and the baby. The coach has already talked to all of your professors and had them transfer your courses to online. Marcus’s mom, as well as my mom, are taking Crew to the last game with them and keeping an eye on him the entire time. Matthew is staying here when we have practices so he can be there for you whatever you need. Culpepper is…” I brought my hand up and covered his mouth.

Tears were threatening to pool out of my eyes, “Enough.”

He had just carried me into the bathroom, sat me down on the toilet lid, and started the bath water, when I asked him, “What are you doing?”

He looked at me, smiled, and said, “I’m helping you take a bath.”

That was when I noticed all of my bath stuff was in here. To which he informed me that Melanie had packed.

I wanted to laugh as he read the instructions on all of my bottles and followed what they said meticulously and washed my hair twice. He even went as far as to tell me that I was supposed to use their recommended products.

I lay there in the darkness, Daemon’s body wrapped around mine, his arm under my head, and his other wrapped protectively around my belly, and then I whispered, “Thank you, God, for making this man for me. Thank you for allowing him compassion, understanding, and patience. But, most of all, thank you for breaking the mold when you made him.”

Well, that was until he snored right in my ear, and almost busted out my eardrum.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Carefully, I moved to grab the earplugs he bought me, then put them in my ears, and finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

And wouldn’t you know it, the next day, I had all of the so-called recommended products on the bathroom counter.

I’ve been on bed rest for four days now, and I couldn’t help but feel every single player on the team slip into my heart.

And when Daemon told me that Marcus had claimed me as his sister, I cried in his arms, to which Marcus simply shrugged and told me that his mom already had me a shirt ready for the family reunion in six months.

I was lying in bed as I watched one of my favorite shows, Roswell, the original one, when Braydon stepped into the room and said, “Here’s your mail, Doll.”

I smiled at him, “Thank you.”

Then I went through it, and when I saw a letter that had a certain address, I let out a noise that had Braydon stopping in his tracks and then walking over to me at a fast clip, “What is it?”

I couldn’t say anything. I felt as though I couldn’t breathe, yet, I managed to croak the words, “I need Daemon. Now.”

He nodded, pulled his phone out of his pocket and called him, “Yo, Campbell, where are you?”

He listened and he nodded, then he hung up.
