Page 89 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Dae?” My gut clenched at hearing Crew’s voice.

“Crew? Buddy? What’s wrong?” I asked him as I felt a sense of panic bubble up through my veins.

He was crying, what the fuck? “It’s Mommy. She’s… Dae… it’s bad.”

Immediately, I asked, “What’s bad, buddy?”

All around me, the men came over to me. I could feel their stares boring into my back, but I didn’t look at any of them while my eyes stared at my grass-covered cleats.

“Mommy said to call you. 911 is on the way. She’s… she’s bleeding. There’s a lot, it's… it’s between her legs.”

The baby! I turned on my foot and then started running towards the tunnel.

I could hear the men pounding after me. Marcus asked, “What the fuck?”

I looked over at him and then said, “It’s Aliyah, she’s bleeding.”

I didn’t have to say anything else; they all knew she was pregnant. Hell, they were the ones that threw the gender reveal party for us. All sixty-four of the players were at my back, hauling ass with me, along with the coach.

To Crew, I said, “Keep the phone on? Okay? I’m leaving the stadium now. You need to go ahead and unlock the door to let them in. Get your stool, but be careful, okay?”

“Okay, Dae.” In the background, I heard him shuffling.

Then I heard him gasp as I was about ten paces from my truck, then he said, “The paramedics are here.”

“Okay buddy, I’m almost in my truck, can you hand the phone to one of them for me?”

Once I got in my truck and started, I heard a voice come through the phone, “Yes?”

“I know you need to get to work. This is her fiancé and the father of the baby she’s carrying. What hospital are you taking her to?”

“Charlotte Medical.”

“Okay, will Crew be able to ride with you?”

“Yes, we are about to have her loaded up.”

“Okay, I’m going to meet y’all at the hospital.” With that, I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal and raced to the exit of the stadium parking.

It was a second or two later when I heard, “I’m back, Dae.”

“Okay, buddy. I’m going to meet y’all at the hospital. They are going to let you ride in the ambulance. I’ll be there waiting, okay?”

“Okay, Dae.”

“You stay on the phone with me. You get scared, you talk to me, okay?”

And then, as I pulled out of the stadium, every single vehicle that belonged to the team followed right behind me.

Thankfully, the hospital they were bringing her to was massive. Because my whole team, I realized, was here.

“I’m at the hospital, buddy.” With the phone still pressed to my ear, I threw my truck in park, cut it off, slammed open my door, and then ran for the emergency bay doors.

All with my whole team following behind me.

“Okay, Dae.” And then I heard my woman’s soft voice, “He shouldn’t have left practice.”

Then I heard Crew, “He told you to call him if you needed him no matter what. So, I called him. I’m scared, Mommy.”
