Page 86 of Perfectly Imperfect

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When he had texted me that he was on his way and that he was pissed the fuck off because the game had run over, and every single place they could stop at to get food was closed.

I had headed directly to my kitchen in my pajamas which consisted of one of his old tees and a pair of panties.

Crew had gone to sleep three hours ago, and bless his heart, he had stayed up as long as he could to watch his Dae kick some butt.

I looked at the little table in the corner and smiled.

Then I looked up just in time to see that he had dropped his duffle bag in the corner of the little foyer I had and then smiled.

He started to look around and then when his eyes landed on me, he lifted a curious brow.

Then he looked down at the table I stood beside, saw the food, and I watched in amazement as his hard granite face melted.

He was still standing there when he asked, “You did this for me?”

I nodded, “You said you were hungry. And you played a great game. So why wouldn’t I?”

I didn’t say a word as I let him process everything.

Then finally gathering himself, and then he came right for me, bent down, pressed a kiss on my growing belly, then he stood back up and asked, “Will the food be too hard to reheat?”

I thought about it for a moment, and then shook my head, “No, not really. Perhaps the…”

I didn’t get to finish as he picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to our room seeing as while he was gone, Crew and I had updated my room and made room for Daemon’s things.

Then, he made slow, sweet love to me.

Then after he came, he took a look around, saw everything we had done, and then he thanked me, but in the best of ways after he had cleaned me up with a washcloth.

By using his mouth.


We were out celebrating the Cotton Bowl win with the team at Midwood Smokehouse.

When I saw a man and a woman looking over at us with three other kids at their backs, and I didn’t appreciate their hungry gazes, I asked Daemon, “Who the hell is that?”

Daemon narrowed his eyes at them, “I have no fucking clue, but their stares are starting to creep me the fuck out.”

“Oh shit,” I muttered when I saw they were headed our way.

Not liking the look on their faces, I grabbed Crew and pulled him to my side and then maneuvered my body, so I was halfway blocking him.

Marcus stepped up on my other side, and then Daemon moved in front of us and crossed his arms over his chest.

Nine times out of ten, whenever he did that, I wanted to trail my tongue over the muscles and veins that popped. Then all along the lines of his tattoos.

“Can we help you?” Daemon asked them.

The man puffed his chest out and said, “Well, son, you sure can. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

I could see the tension in Daemon’s body, even more so when he snapped, “Excuse me?”

“I’m your dad. This is your stepmom. And these are your brothers,” the man said.

I snorted, “No, his mom and dad and his sister are standing behind me. And his brother is next to me.”

That was when Crew leaned around me and looked at the man and said rather loudly, “Thank you for making that woman have my Dae. But you’re a sorry excuse of a human being. He’s not your son. He may carry your blood, but that’s it.”
