Page 87 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Crew had asked Daemon why he looked different than his Grandpa and his Nonnie about three months ago, and Daemon had told him why. But he didn’t tell him the things that would break his little heart.

The man lifted a brow and asked, “And who are you?”

And before I could grab Crew, he walked up to the man while saying, “I’m the boy that has the honor of hopefully calling him dad one day. And I’m also the boy that’s going to hurt you.” And then, without another word, we all watched as Crew brought his little fist back and junk-punched the bastard.

Daemon wrapped his arms around Crew and pulled his body to his front in case the asshole reacted to Crew.

Crew dropped his voice to a whisper and said, “That was for leaving my Dae with a woman that allowed other men to touch him. That was also for allowing that woman to treat him worse than a dog.”

Apparently, Crew had heard more than we wanted him to.

And to have my son’s back, I said to the woman, “I hope you're proud of the man you married.”

I looked at the woman that had been sneering at Daemon, only now, she was looking at him with something that I didn’t particularly like.

So, I snapped, “Lady, if you don’t stop looking at my man like that, your husband won’t be the only one leaving here in pain.”

“What my daughter-in-law said is absolutely true. You both need to leave and never contact them again or else I will have you both arrested for every single charge I can find to pin on you. And the first of those charges will be how you were never pregnant, never paid a dime, no paper trail, and didn’t go through an agency to have your oldest child. And since I’m about to retire, I don’t care if I cost the mayor his job either.”

My jaw dropped, as well as a slew of others. The mayor?

Oh shit.

The men around us split off and then followed them to the exit of the restaurant, ensuring that they left.

I walked up to Daemon’s side and whispered, “You okay?”

He picked Crew up, hugged him, looked at me, winked, then he said to Crew, “No man could ever be prouder of a little boy than I am right now. You amaze me, Crew Turner. That you do.”

Seeing that he was okay with what Crew had let slip, I turned to William.

“You’re daughter-in-law?” I asked William with a raised brow, then looked at my ringless finger. Then back at him.

He shrugged, “It's only a matter of time. Just waiting for my son to pull his head out of his ass and ask you already.”

“I’ll be asking her whenever I’m good and ready, and not a minute before.”

What I didn’t know was that he never planned on asking me.

Not when we sat there in folding lawn chairs as the Pee Wee football league started their first practice.

Crew had just posted up like Daemon and Marcus had shown him when Daemon wrapped his arms around me and asked, “Why do you love me?”

I smiled, looked up, and saw a proud as-hell look on his face as he watched Crew, “Because of that look right there.”

He looked down at me then and asked, “What look?”

“The look that says you would kill anyone that dared to hurt us. The one that softens anytime we smile at you. And whenever you watch Crew,” I told him, then I went on, “Honestly, the three simple words I love you don’t quite do justice. I don’t think they will ever adequately tell you how much I love you.”

That was when he winked at me, and whispered, “Try.”

I sighed, then smiled when Crew tackled a player just like Daemon had taught, and at my back, Daemon called out, “That’s my boy.”

But he wasn’t the only one that cheered. No. That would be William, Marcus, Melanie, Lily, Braydon, Finch, Davis, Culpepper, Matthew, and believe it or not Daemon’s coach.

We all got eyes from the other parents, but none of them said a word.

I smiled wide then I said, “I love you because I know if we asked you to rope the moon, you would find some way to do it. I love you because no matter where I am, I know you will move heaven and earth to get to me if I need you. I love you because never, not once, have you ever made that boy feel as though he’s unwanted. I love you because you never smile, yet with us, you smile all the time. I love that no matter how aggravating we can get, you always have a soft look on your face. I could go on, and on, and on.”
