Page 85 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And when Daemon winked, then said, “No matter what we have, I’ll be happy. I already have a soon-to-be amazing son. So, I’m golden. Long as the baby is healthy.”

And I shit you not, without breaking eye contact with me, he threw a dart, and we saw nothing but blue paint.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to cheer, and Daemon moved to wrap me in his arms, Marcus stepped up to us and snickered, “All the darts must be thrown until you get to the winning one.”

I was so confused, as was Daemon.

So, we shrugged, and then I proceeded to throw a dart, and light green paint fell out of it.

Daemon shook his head and threw his dart, light purple.

And so on, and so on it went, the crowd laughing as each color under the rainbow came out of the balloons.

We were both down to two darts when Marcus said, “This piece goes in his or her nursery. How many kids can say that their uncle threw them the best gender reveal party and have proof? This baby will.”

Then Daemon threw the second to last dart, and nothing happened. No color came out.

And that was when Marcus smiled, “Since you finally found the magic belly, I think it’s only fair if Crew takes the honors.”

We all followed him, and then Daemon and I, hand in hand, followed Marcus and he told us to stand right there on the other side.

Then, Marcus jogged back, placed a Tee on the ground, then he jogged and grabbed a football, and held it so carefully, it really was adorable.

Once he sat the football, laces up, mind you, he tossed us a grin, and then he crooked his finger at Crew who was standing at Melanie’s side.

As soon as Crew made it to him, he told him something, pointed at the football, and waited for Crew to nod, which he did in the next instance.

Then, when Marcus stepped back, his booming voice could be heard all throughout the clearing.

“I want to tell everyone that came here, thank you. Today y’all have the honor of being here not only to support Aliyah, Daemon, and Crew, but to witness something that’s never been done before. And if it has, I guarantee it’s nothing like this.”

Then he looked at Daemon, “The day I met Daemon, I had no clue the friendship it would bring. And it brought something that I would not only fight to keep, but I’d die to keep it. The man used to be gruff, cold, and not talkative. Today, you see a completely different man. It’s one I’ve never seen, but always wanted to see.”

“And I have the little woman that’s standing at his side to say thank you to. The day I met the woman that captured my brother’s heart is a day I will never forget. Because she captured mine as well. So, help me cheer on my little man, Crew, as he gives us the best kick this world has ever seen, and we find out whether we’re going to need bats to keep all the girls off their son, like we already have to do with Crew. Or if we need to load up on shotguns and shells to keep the guys away, so Daemon and I don’t wind up in prison for beating the little punk’s ass who thinks he deserves her.”

Then Marcus got everyone to count, and on the count of three, we watched my little boy, with concentration clear on his face, run to the ball, pull his right leg back, and kick it.

And…. when nothing but pink smoke spilled out of the ball, we heard a murmur of fuck.

I was giggling in Daemon’s neck as he carefully picked me up and spun me around, only to be stopped when Crew yelled, “Dae, don’t you shake my baby sister!”


Crew and I stood there as we watched Daemon walk away from us and get on the plane to head to the first playoff game.

And we sat there with popcorn as we watched the game from the comfort of William and Melanie’s couch.

We had wanted to fly out there with them, however, Daemon didn’t like the idea of me having to do that by myself with Crew and being pregnant. And I had sadly agreed with him.

And when we won, we all tossed the remaining popcorn in the air.

We won the last playoff game. Which had been the Cotton Bowl.

We had one more and then we would see.


“Sweetheart, I’m home,” he whispered.
