Page 84 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And when Marcus told us to turn around, I was flabbergasted.

The whole area where we had our first date had been turned into a mini carnival.

The entire football team was there. Along with Daemon’s parents, Marcus’s parents, and a man that looked just like Marcus, and I had a feeling I knew who that man was. And… color me surprised, Professor Macklin was there too.

To the left were games with blue and pink basketballs in them. I even saw a cotton candy stand, and if you picked boy, you got the blue color, and if you picked girl, you got the pink color.

To the right was a table that held a football field cake, with blue birthday cake pops atop it, and pink ones on the other side.

Atop every stand were blue and pink balloons.

But my favorite thing was when I saw the board that read Pop The Belly, it had sixteen balloons on them and I thought that was adorable.

I whirled, and then wrapped Marcus in a hug, to which he returned. And I whispered, “Thank you.”

“Welcome, Little Mama. There’s someone I want you and Crew to meet.”

And that was when we met Marcus’s older brother, Van.

And upon seeing the hardness on his face, and the tattoos all over his body, and on his face, he counteracted the way he looked when he offered me a soft smile, nodded, and asked, “So, you’re the woman that has my brother smiling and laughing again?”

“So, you’re the brother that killed a man that tried to kill Marcus?” Marcus had told me all about it one night at the football house while Crew and Daemon were playing a game of football outside.

I didn’t wait for him to reply, I knew that he had been. And I knew that he just got out a week ago. And he was here.

For his brother.

For us.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and whispered, “Thank you.”

Daemon pulled me into his front and said, “Hope you enjoyed that, Van. Because that was the only time you’re ever going to touch my woman.”

Van only laughed, then, he looked down at Crew, tilted his head to the side and asked, “You’re not scared of me?”

Crew shook his head.

Van looked perplexed at that, “Why not?”

Then he looked up at Van and clear as day he said, “Because, if you try to hurt me, my Dae will kick your butt. Then my mom will take care of what’s left. Then Uncle Marcus will bring you back from h.e.double hockey sticks, and kill you all over again. But you got the same blood as Uncle Marcus and that makes me your nephew. You wouldn’t hurt your nephew.”

Van stood there, and then he freaking smiled, “You’re exactly right, buddy.”

That was when Crew shook his head, and said, “Sorry, but you need a new nickname for me. That’s Dae’s.”

Van looked to think for a moment then he asked, “Okay, how about little man?”

Crew shook his head again, “That’s Uncle Marcus’s.”

Van chuckled, then he said, “Okay then, warrior?”

Crew nodded, “Sounds good to me.”

We played, we laughed, we joked.

And as Marcus whistled to get everyone’s attention near the Pop The Belly board, we all moved toward it, and Melanie, of course, had her phone out and started recording everything.

Marcus handed eight darts to Daemon and eight darts to me.
